Contact | Sexual Assault Myths | Sexual Misconduct Definitions | Signs of Dating Violence | Strategies to Prevent Violence |
What is 503 838 8481
The number for Campus Public Safety
(True/False) Survivors exhibit a spectrum of emotional responses to assault.
What is Sexual Misconduct
Non-consensual sexual contact of any kind, the attempt to have non-consensual sexual contact or the threat of such contact.
Abusers attempt to control every aspect of the victims' life
What is Green Dot
any behavior, choice, word or attitude that promotes safety for everyone and communicates utter intolerance for sexual violence, partner violence and stalking
What is 503 838 8219
The number for Abb'ys House
(True/False) People often falsely accuse others of sexual assault
What is Sexual Contact
Includes but is not limited to touching of the genitalia, anus, buttocks, breast or mouth, as well as, any contact for the purpose of sexual gratification
What is Charm
In the beginning, abusers may seem overly nice
What is Red Dot
Represents an act of power-based personal violence or a choice to tolerate, justify or perpetuate this violence
What is 503 838 8396
the number for Student Health & Counseling
(True/False) If someone doesn't fight back, then it was not really sexual assault
What is Stalking
Another person which includes but is not limited to: following or lying in wait for the victim, the Victim's relatives, friends or pets
What is Isolation
Abusers cut their victims off from friends and family, and may isolate them geographically as well
What is Distract
This approach's focus is diversion.
What is 503 378 1572
the number for Center for Hope and Safety
(True/False) Men and women are sexually assaulted.
What is Incapacitation
A mental or physical condition that renders a person unable to grant consent
What is Jealousy
Is a tool abusers use to control their victims, accusing them of having affairs or calling them names such as 'whore' or 'slut'
What is Delegate
When you reconginze a red dot situation and are uncomfortable saying/doing something yourself, you may need to delegate
What is 503 623 4033
the number for Sable House
(True/False) If a person ejaculates/orgasms when they are assaulted then it is not really sexual assault
What is Force
Includes but is not limited to physical force, violence, abuse, threat of force, intimidation, extortion, harassment, coercion, fraud, duress or pressure
What is Direct
The direct approach means you engage in the situation yourself.