Sexuality | Gender | AAWA X SHADES | Current Events/Famous People |
What is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer
What does LGBTQ stand for
What is they/them/theirs/themself and ze/hir/hirs/hirself [multiple answers]
Name 2 gender neutral pronouns
What is Asian American Women's Alliance
What is AAWA?
What is George Takei
Who is famous Asian American actor in Star Trek who has publicly come out?
What is someone who does not experience sexual attraction
What is asexuality
What is a person who is not trans; an individual whose gender identity matches the sex they were designated at birth
What is Cisgender?
What is a discussion-based club in the LGBTQ Student Center for LGBTQ people of color and allies
What is SHADES?
[there are multiple answers]
Name one API woman who has publicly come out
What is a bisexual person is attracted to both the same gender as they identify and different gender/s and pansexual is attracted to people regardless of gender.
What is the difference between bisexual vs. pansexual?
What is transphobia refers to discriminatory thoughts and practices against those who are perceived to break or blur stereotypical gender roles . Homophobia is discriminatory thoughts and practices against those who are thought to be not straight.
Define transphobia vs homophobia
What is Janet Mock and Laverne Cox for Women's HERstory Month
What is the biggest event for the LGBTQ Student Center coming up on Tuesday?
What is Arizona's Legislature has passed a controversial bill that would allow business owners, as long as they assert their religious beliefs, to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.
What was going on in Arizona?
What is sexual identity is what we call ourselves in terms of our sexuality. Romantic identity refers to the emotional connection you have with others.
What is the difference sexual identity and romantic identity?
What is the classification of sex and gender into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine
What is gender binary?
What is Celiany Rivera-Velazquez
What is the full name of the Director of the LGBTQ Student Center?
[there are multiple answers]
Name an APA organization in New York City?
What is trick question, there are as many sexual identities as there are people.
How many sexual identities are there?
What is a gender identity and presentation that is not confined to only one gender category. Gender fluid people may have dynamic or fluctuating understandings of their gender, moving between categories as feels right. For example, a gender fluid person m
What is gender fluidity?
What is Spoken Word on April 18th
What is AAWA's biggest event of the semester?
What is 10-12%
Projected percentage of intersex people in the world?