Vocabulary Themes and Ideas Plot Characters Potpourri
What are idiosyncrasies?
These are the little habits we have that make us unique.
What is foreshadowing?
This is the literary technique used in the following quotation: “…with all my thoughts about these stairs, this exceptional hardness had not occurred to me. It was surprising that I had overlooked that, that crucial fact.”
What is the fact that when sports are finished for Finny, Gene feels that they are finished for him as well?
This is the reason Gene becomes Assistant Crew Manager.
Who is Leper?
This is the character who seems to be an outcast.
What is the fact that he killed his enemy before he left?
This is why Gene has no hatred for the enemy during his time as a soldier.
Who is a conniver?
This is someone you shouldn’t trust.
There are several possible questions for this answer.
This is one motif in the novel besides identity.
What is his desire to join the ski troops?
This is the reason Leper enlists.
Who is Quakenbush?
This is the Crew Manager.
What is at the end of the Winter Carnival?
This is the point in the novel in which Gene feels "a separate peace."
What is ambiguous?
Essay questions should never be this, or else kids will have a hard time answering them correctly.
What is ignorance?
At the end of the novel, Gene says this is what causes all war.
What is trying to keep Gene from becoming valedictorian?
This is the plot Gene suspects Finny of carrying out.
Who is Finny?
This is a character who seems too good to be true.
What are World War II, Gene v Finny, and Gene v Gene?
These are the three wars going on in the novel.
What is indiscriminately?
If winners are chosen this way, it doesn’t matter how hard you try.
What is Finny's fall from the tree?
This is an example of a scene from the novel that is allegorical.
What is Finny's fall on the stairs?
This is the climax of the novel.
Who is Brinker?
This is a character who may be too focused on finding truth.
There are several possible questions for this answer.
This is what the game of Blitzball may symbolize.
What is exuberance?
This is what you may feel if you do really well on this test.
There are several possible questions for this answer.
This is a theme John Knowles may communicate about envy.
What is the scene with Brinker at the end of the novel?
This the denouement of the novel.
Who is Dr. Stanpole?
This is the character who gives Gene the bad news about Finny's death.
What are the Devon and the Naguamsett Rivers. There are several possible questions to the second part of the answer.
These are the names of the two rivers at Devon and what each may symbolize.

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