Characters | Plot Details | True or False | Analysis |
What is Suyuans husband and Junes father's name?
June and her twin sisters, Chwun Yu and Chwun Hwa.
Who are the only known survivors of Suyuan's family?
After visiting China June feels more Chinese than before
carrying out her dreams of returning to china.
What does June feel shes doing for her mother?
Long-cherished wish or long-held grudge
What does Suyuans name mean?
How different life is, the cost per living is much lower and the different customs they have from America.
What does June realize when she first arrives to China?
June is good at speaking Chinese and mandarin in china
Like she wants to feel more Chinese and wishes she would have appreciated her mother more.
What does June feel when she's in China?
The Essence of her older twin sisters.
What does Junes name mean?
In a hospital run by an American Missionary.
Where did Suyuan meet Canning?
Suyuan doesn't tell Canning, her husband that she left the twins
That Suyuans spirit guided her friend to find the twins in China.
What does Canning believe?
Spring rain and spring flowers
What do the twin sisters names mean?
A combination of the three sisters clearly looking like suyuan.
What does June see when she looks at the photo of her and her sisters?
False he says old age but suyuan interprets that's they are dead.
When Suyuan asks Canning if they can go back too china he says no because the twin girls are dead.
That she won't be able to explain her mothers story because she didn't know it well enough herself but when she meets her sisters there is so much love and she wants to carry out her mothers wishes.
What did June fear in the beginning that didn't end up being a problem?