Diseases of the endocrine system More Endocrine Diseases From the workbook Did you look at the workbook? Always study the workbook tests
What is pituitary dwarfism?
Hyposecretion of GH causes this
What is Graves' disease?
This is an autoimmune disease that causes hypersecretion of thyroxine and is accompanied by weight loss, increased appetite, increased sweating, fast heart rate, feeling of warmth, and fatigue along with exophthalmos (protrusion of the eyes)..
What is the growth hormone (GH)?
The hormone that increases the rate of cell division.
What are glucagon and epinephrine?
These hormones cause the liver to change glycogen to glucose.
What is aldosterone?
This hormone increases sodium re-absorption by the kidneys.
What is Cushing syndrome?
Is the result of hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex, primaily cortisol which promotes fat deposition in the trunk of the body while the extremities remain thin.
What is myxedema/
This is caused by hyposecretion of thyroxine in an adult where the metabolic rate decreases, resulting in lethargy, muscular weakness, slow heart rate, a feeling of cold, and a characteristic puffiness of the face.
What are the parathyroid hormone and calcitonin?
These two hormones regulate the blood calcium level.
What is thyroxine?
This hormone increases protein synthesis and is used in food metabolism for energy.
What is inhibin?
This hormone is produced by the ovaries or testes and inhibits the secretion of FSH.
What is Addison's disease?
This disease is the result of hyposecretion of the adrenal cortical hormones with depletion of glycogen from the liver.
What is cretinism?
This is because of hyposecretion of thyroxine in a newborn which causes severe mental and physical development.
What is follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)?
This hormone initates egg or sperm production.
What is epinephrine?
This hormone slows peristalsis and dilates the bronchioles.
What is cortisol?
This hormone increases uses of fats and excess amino acids for energy while sparing glucose for use by the brain.
What is gigantism?
This results from hypersecretion of GH in children.
What is Type 1 diabetes mellitus?
This disease is normally developed in childhood and always requires the use of insulin.
What is testosterone?
In men, this hormone is necessary for maturation of the sperm.
What is cortisol?
This hormone has an anti-inflammatory effect.
What is "d". The targets are the ovaries and testes.
Which statement is not true of hormone effects of the anterior pituitary gland?
a: TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine and T3.
b:ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol.
These hormones are secreted in response to releasing hormones from the hypothalamus.
d: FSH and LH are called gonadotropic hormones because their target organs are the kidneys.
What is acromegaly
In adulthood, this condition is caused by a pituitary tumor which causes the hypersecretion of GH where the long bones do not grow but other bones such as the jaw become disproportionately larger..
What is Type 2 diabetes mellitus?
This disease normally is developed later in life and may be controlled by exercise, medication, or perhaps the use of insuline.
What is the Leutinizing Hormone (LH)?
In women, this hormone causes ovulation.
What is the parathyroid hormone?
This hormone increases calcium re-absorption by the kidneys.
What is b: insulin--hypoglycemia Insulin is stimulated by hyperglycemia.
Which hormone is not paired with its correct stimulus for secretion?
a: Calcitonin--hypercalcemia
b: Insulin--hypoglycemia
c: PTH--hypocalcemia
d: Glucagon--hypoglycemia

A & P Chapter ten Endocrine system

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