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What is Nike.
"Jus Do It"
Who is Benny Goodman.
Who was the "King of Swing"
Who is Abraham Lincoln.
Who was the "Rail Splitter"?
What is body mass index (BMI).
What is the measure of body weight that indicates ratio of muscle to fat?
What is Frosted Flakes.
"They're Gr-r-reat!"
What is Wendy's.
"Where's the Beef?"
Who is Guy Lombardo.
Who played the "Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven"?
Who is Calvin Coolidge.
Who was known as "Silent Cal"?
What is running.
What exercise is agreed to be the most effective aerobically but is the hardest on one's body?
What is Quaker Puffed Rice.
"The Cereal Shot from Guns"
What is American Express.
"Don't Leave Home Without It"
Who is Wayne King.
Who was the "Waltz King"?
Who is Harry S. Truman.
Which President was not given a middle name but used the middle initial "S"?
What is 65% - 85%.
What is the percent range of one's heart rate that is ideal for effective exercise?
What is Wheaties.
"The Breakfast of Champions"
What is DeBeers Diamond Company.
"A Diamond is Forever"
Who is Kay Kaiser.
Who promised the "College of Musical Knowledge"?
Who is William Henry Harrison.
Who was Tippecanoe in the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too"?
What is anaerobic.
For elite athletes when the heart rate percentage is above 85% what is this referred to as?
What is Life.
"He's Like Mikey"
What is Miller Lite.
"Great Taste, Less Filling"
Who is Count Basie, Duke Ellington, and other examples - Queen of Soul (Aretha Franklin)l King of Rock & Roll (Elvis); King of Pop (Michael Jackson); King of Folk (Bob Dylan); Sir Elton John, etc.
Several performers use/used royal titles as part of their name. Name at least three.
Who is James Garfield.
Four (4) out of forty-four ($$) Presidents have been assassinated while in office. Three of them were Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and William McKinley. Who is fourth one?
What is three times.
What is the amount of difference between weight of muscle to fat?
What is Kix.
"Kid Tested, Mother Approved"