Alicia and I talking on Enda's steps A house of my own
Where is Alicias home?
name one simile and what it describes
" a space for myself to go, as clean as paper before a poem."
usage- symbolic of purity
Why was Esperanza so upset/ what is the conflict in the chapter?
she doesnt feel like she has a home on Mango st. and once again she is feeling like she doesnt belong and left out.
What is one example of repetition?
my or not
What is the main purpose of the chapter?
to showcase her struggle with feeling left out and to tell the reader that mango st was never a home for Esperanza
explain the reason for the repetition of the word " my"
Finally, she will be able to feel included and like she belongs. The use of "my" is representative that it can be compared to noone else
What is the comic relief in this chapter and why does Cisneros use it?
When they both laugh at the comment about the mayor. It it used because it is a very sad chapter and she wanted to keep her readers interested.
have one member draw a picture of the" house of my own"
porch,pillow, purple flowers,books, shoes,bed
Connect this chapter to another in the story
Sally - feeling left out
compare this chapter to a book we have previously read
the clear paper can be tied to Clarisse from Fahrenheit 451. renewal, new start

A House on Mango St.

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