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Who is Darek
A nine year old boy that brought home a dragon
Who is Darek
"Ouch, stop! Please...He's clawing me!
What is a barliberry
A tasty snack that Zantor like to eat
What are zok eggs
These smelly things were thrown at Darek and Clep
What is tired
Dragon hunting and fighting can leave you exhausted. This shorter word can be used for exhausted
Who is Zantor
A gentle little dragonling
Who is the Chief Elder
"Take the beast to the guardhouse!"
What is a zok
This animal may resemble a chicken
What is the barn
Darek and his father were sitting in this building when the Circle of Elders came to arrest him
What is red
Darek's father's face turned crimson when he was upset. Crimson is a shade of this color
Who is Clep
The older brother of Darek
Who is Yanek, or Darek's father
Bodak and I convinced the Circle that the beast deserves a trial."
What is a yuke
A cow on a farm may look like this animal
What is the Chief Elder
The leader of the village is called this
What is funny
Zantor's imitation of a zok was comical. This word could be used in place of comical
Who is Pola
This boy was Darek's best friend
Who is Pola
"It doesn't belong here! It changes everything, don't you see?"
What is zorgrass
You will see bales of this stacked up in the barn
What is burning at the steak
This punishment for Yanek and Bodak would cause them to die
What is surprise
This word can be used instead of astonishment
Who is Zilah
She is married to Bodak
Who is Darek
"Whether you ever fight a dragon or not, you want to shoot, because you want to prove you're as good as me
What are moons
Looking up in the sky, you would see two of these
What is glub
Yanek and Bodak enjoyed a steaming mug of this Zorian drink
What is angry
When the dragonling was provoked he was probably feeling this way