Structure | Location | Function | Details | Big Picture |
The Nucleus
Contained by double membrane. Contains substance made out of nucleic acids and protein. Site of ribosome synthesis.
Free-floating in cytoplasm and on Rough ER.
Sacs that move from the site of one membrane to another, carrying materials to their destination.
Composed of nucleotides wound around protein.
The Nuclear Envelope is an extension of the ER. Proteins made in the ER are transported in Vesicles to the Golgi Apparatus. Vesicles pinch of the Golgi to give rise to Lysosomes/Vacuoles, or to fuse with the Plasma Membrane.
How is membrane shared among multiple organelles in eukaryotic cells?
Made of rRNA and protein. Contains a Large subunit and a small subunit.
Central Vacuole
Middle of plant cell, takes up more space than any other single organelle.
Thylakoid Membrane
The portion of an organelle which captures light energy in order to store it chemically.
Greek for "Cell eating"
Central Vacuole
Food Vacuole Contractile Vacuole
What are three different kinds of vacuoles?
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Organelle that is continuous with the Nuclear Envelope.
Found in nearly all eukaryotic cells; number and location varies.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Synthesizes lipids.
Bound Ribosomes
Synthesizes proteins that are destined for export.
An ancestor eukaryotic cell tried to eat a mitochondrion or chloroplast, and then preserved it internally for its own benefit.
How did eukaryotic cells come to have mitochondria and chloroplasts?
Membrane sack containing digestive enzymes.
Cilia and/or Flagella
In many prokaryotic cells and some eukaryotic cells; external to the plasma membrane.
Golgi Apparatus
Modifies, Sorts, and Routes products of the ER.
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
These organelles contain their own DNA.
Both organelles gather energy from their surroundings amd transform it into forms useable for cellular work
How are mitochondria and chloroplasts similar in their function?
Golgi Apparatus
Made out of folded membrane; exhibits a trans face and a cis face.
Located adhered to inside of plasma membrane and membrane-bound organelles.
Macrofilaments / Microtubules
Major structural component of cell -- the strongest of the cytoskeletal elements.
Golgi Apparatus
Receives products from the ER for further modification.
Programmed cell death
Recycling cellular materials Phagocytosis
Functions of the Lysosome?