Chumash | Rabbis | Biggest and smallest | Parsha | Basketball |
What is Peah
The corner of your field
Who is Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik
Considered the "father״ of Modern Orthodoxy
What is 960 lbs
The heaviest Man in the world (within 100)
3 days later
Parshas Vayera starts this many days after Avrahams bris
The Knicks
This team plays in the worlds most famous arena
What is פרט
The single grapes
Who is the Baal Shem Tov
The Founder of the Chassidic Movement
21.5 inches
Shortest person ever (within 5 inches)
Avraham was this age when Yitzchak was born
Boston celtics
The only team with 16 NBA titles
What is Kidnapping
The עשרת הדברות are talking about this type of stealing
Who is the Chofetz Chaim
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan
8ft 2.8 inches
Tallest living person in the world (within 5 inches)
Yitzchak was this age at the עקידה
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
All time points leader
This person steals "in broad daylight"
Who is Rabbi Moshe Feinstein
The אגרות משה
22lb 8oz
Biggest baby ever (within 2 pounds)
Having guests
This was assur in sdom
John Stockton
All time assist leader
What is that just like you are supposed to respect you parents you are supposed to respect Hashem
According to רשבם we learn this from the fact that shabbos and כיבוד אב are next to each other in the עשרת הדברות
Who is The Maggid of Mezritch
The main Student of the Baal Shem Tov
Size 20
Biggest shoe size in the world (within 2 sizes)
Because The akeida went against Avrahams nature of chesed but not Yitzchaks nature of gevurah
The reason why the akeida is called a test for Avraham but not for Yitzchak
Demar Derozan
Current leading scorer