Chumash | Sports Divisions | Parsha | Animals | US Presidents |
What is sunset
If a worker is hired for the day you need to ideally pay him by this time
What is Giants, Cowboys, Redskins, Eagles
The teams in the NFC East
What is Toldos
This weeks Parshaly
What is Arachnaphobia
The name of the fear of spiders
What is Abraham Lincoln
The 16th President of the United States
What is a Gazlan steals during the day and a Ganav steals at night
The difference between a Ganav and a Gazlan
What is the Mariners, Rangers, Athletics, Angels, Astros
The Teams in the AL West
What is "Hakol Kol Yaakov, Vhayadayim yedei eisav"
The Famous words that Yitzchak said to Yaakov when he came to get the bracha
What is a Giraffe
The Tallest animal in the world
Who is Franklin Delanor Roosevelt
The only President two serve 3 straight terms
What is in the aseres hadibros its talking about kidnapping whereas in our pasuk it is talking about stealing money
The difference between "lo Tignovu" in our pasuk and "lo tignovu" in the Aseres Hadibros
What is Knicks, Nets, Raptors, 76ers, Celtics
Atlantic Division in NBA
What is 13
The Age Yaakov and Eisav were when they started to act differently
What is 8
A spider has this many legs
Who is Martin Van Buren
The 8th President
What is Leket
When you leave two stalks that drop for the poor
What is Raiders, Chiefs, Broncos, Chargers
AFC West
What is Lentil Soup
Yaakov was cooking this on the day that he sold the bechor to eisav
What is a Cow
Female Elephants are called this
Who is Grover Cleveland
The only president to serve two separate terms as president
Spurs, Rockets, Grizzlies, Pelicans, Mavericks
Southwest Division NBA
What is because Avraham died that day and we eat lentils when people died
The Reason yaakov was cooking what he did on that day
What is 2
The Number of pairs of wings that a bee has
Who is Thomas Jefferson
This president kept bears on the white house lawn