Chumash | World Series | Parsha | NFL | Israel |
What is the name of the parsha we are learning
What is the last time the Cubs won the world series (before wednesday)
What is this weeks parsha
Who is the player with the Most Receptions, Touchdown receptions and receiving yards of all time
Jerry Rice
What is Jerusalem
The Capital of Israel
What is a GLutton and a guzzler
the opinion of the Ramban for what is Kedoshim Tihiyu mean
What is the number of World Series the Yankees have won
What is 120 years
The amount of time it took to build the Teivah
What is the year of the first super bowl
What is Eilat
The most southern city in Israel
What is Peah
Do Not finish off the corner of the field
Who is the only pitcher to pitch a perfect game in the world series
Don Larsen
What is 7
The number of each Kosher animals that Noach took into the Teivah
What are the four years the Giants won the super bowl
What are the 4 holy cities in Israel
חברון טבריה צפת |
What is the reason for why אם comes before אב in the pasuk
To teach us that since we naturally fear our father more than our mother we should fear both of them equally
Who is the only player to hit a leadoff home run in a game 7 of the world series
Dexter Fowler
What are the names of Noach's sons
חם יפת |
What is the location of the Football hall of fame
What is the Knesset
The parliamentary government in Israel
What is פרט
The Single Grapes
What are the teams that played in the first world series
Boston Red Sox vs Pittsburg Pirates
What is the number of languages Hashem formed after the Tower of Bavel incident
Who are the only two quaterbacks to go 4-0 in super bowl play
Terry Bradshaw and Joe Montana
What are Egypt
Saudia Arabia Jordan Israel
You can see these four countries when standing off the southern shore of Eilat