Stories | Movies | Grammar | Vocabulary | Talking |
Who is Andy du fresne?
No answer
What is past tense of "catch"?
Present yourself in English
No answer
What did the Irish woman do to her family?
She did everyone of them in.
What is Red's full name?
Ellis Redding
What is past tense of "bring"?
Invite someone to the cinemas
No answer
Why did Joby choose not to read aloud a letter the the old woman?
Because the letter was bad news.
Where does Andy go after he escapes prison?
The bank and Zihuatanejo.
What is past tense of run?
Refuse an invite in a polite way
No answer
What was the funny part about the axident?
The detective thought a guy had killed himself with an axe.
Why was Andy not sure of whether he killed his wife or not?
Because he was drunk.
What is the adverb of happy?
"Cards don't lie" reveals something. What does it reveal?
It reveals the robbers of the carriage.
What happened to Brooks the librarian?
What is the adverb of convincing?
No time
No time.