Biochemistry Structure, Division, Genetics Cellular Energetics Organismal Biology Ecology/Molecular
b) 7.4
The pH of human blood is slightly basic. Which of the following is most likely to be the pH of human blood?
a) 10.6
b) 7.4
c) 7.0
d) 6.4
e) 4.6
b) Golgi apparatus : modification and glycosylation of proteins
Which of the following is a correct association?
a) mitochondria : transport of materials from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
b) Golgi apparatus : modification and glycosylation of proteins
c) endoplasmic reticulum : selective barrier for the cell
d) riboso
c) in the chloroplast
The process 6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2 is completed
a) in the cytoplasm
b) in the area of the cell membrane
c) in the chloroplast
d) in the mitochondria
e) in the area around the ribosomes
b) circadian rhythms
The rate of photosynthesis in some plants follow a 24-hour cycle even if light and other environmental factors are constant. This is an example of
a) a dark reaction
b) circadian rhythms
c) environmental rhythms
d) habituation
e) response to pheromones
a) lowering the pH in ponds, thus limiting the survival of many organisms
As rain mixes with chemicals such as sulfur dioxide in the air, acid rain is produced. This may result in
a) lowering the pH in ponds, thus limiting the survival of many organisms
b) lowering the pH in ponds, thus affecting water temperature
c) raising th
d) Deoxyribonucleic acid
Chromosomes are made up of which of the following substances?
a) Carbohydrates
b) Adenosine triphosphate
c) Adenosine diphosphate
d) Deoxyribonucleic acid
e) Phosopholipid bilayer
d) Cytosine
A nitrogenous base that occurs in DNA in equal quantities with guanine
a) Deoxyribose
b) Ribose
c) Uracil
d) Cytosine
e) Thymine
a) Glycolysis
Which of the following processes does not occur in the mitochondria?
a) Glycolysis
b) The citric acid cycle
c) Electron transport chain
d) Photosynthesis
e) Oxidative phosphorylation
d) skin : stomach muscle
Which of the following associations most closely corresponds to that of ectoderm : endoderm?
a) heart : stomach
b) retina : lungs
c) skeletal muscles : liver
d) skin : stomach muscle
e) taste buds : uterus
e) I, II, and III
In an emergency, an individual with type AB antigen in his red blood cells may receive a transfusion of
I. type O blood
II. type A blood
III. type B blood

a) I only
b) II only
c) II and III
d) III only
e) I, II, and III
d) Rigidity
Which of the following is not a property of the cell membrane?
a) Fluidity
b) Permeability to nonpolar compounds
c) Permeability to water and gases
d) Rigidity
e) Impermeability to large polar compounds
b) UAC and GAC
What tRNA anticodons correspond to the mRNA nucleotide sequence AUGCUG?
a) TAC and GAC
b) UAC and GAC
c) UA, CG, and AC
d) GAC and TAC
e) SAT and ACE
e) I, II, and III
ATP is produced during which of the following processes?
I. Photosynthesis
II. Aerobic respiration
III. Fermentation

a) I only
b) II only
c) I and III only
d) II and III only
e) I, II, and III
a) aldosterone
Which hormone triggers your body to retain NaCl, especially during periods of excessive heat?
a) aldosterone
b) progesterone
c) epinephrine
e) testosterone
b) phenotype
All of the following are population characteristics except
a) number of individuals
b) phenotypes
c) sex ratio
d) age distribution
e) death rate
b) dehydration
Which chemical reaction takes place when two glucose monomers, or monosaccharides, form a dimer?
a) Disassociation
b) Dehydration
c) Hydrolysis
d) Ionization
e) Isomerization
e) Anaphase II
During which meiotic phase are sister chromatids separated?
a) Prophase I
b) Metaphase I
c) Metaphase II
d) Anaphase I
e) Anaphase II
e) Calvin cycle
Substrate-level phosphorylation occurs in all of the following except
a) Glycolysis
b) Krebs cycle
c) Fermentation
d) The tricarboxylic acid cycle
e) Calvin cycle
e) The result of meiosis in females is the production of four egg cells from each diploid precursor cell
Which statement about human gamete production is false?
a) In the testes, sperm develop in the seminiferous tubules
b) In the ovaries, eggs develop in the ovarian follicles
c) FSH stimulates gamete production in both sexes
d) Gametes arise via meiosis
a) The amino acid sequence of their cytochrome C
Which of the following most accurately reveals common ancestry among many different species of organisms?
a) The amino acid sequence of their cytochrome C
b) Their ability to synthesize hemoglobin
c) The percentage of their body weight that is fat
d) The
a) Nonpolar covalent bond
Electrons are shared equally in which of the following chemical bonds?
a) Nonpolar covalent bond
b) Polar covalent bond
c) Ionic bond
d) Dipole-dipole bond
e) Hydrogen bond
b) F1
In which generation of a monohybrid cross do all the individuals look the same?
a) Parental
b) F1
c) F2
d) F3
e) F4
e) Oxaloacetic acid
Which compound is both an initial reactant and final product of the Krebs cycle?
a) Pyruvate
b) Glucose
c) Citric acid
e) Oxaloacetic acid
e) ovule
Which structure contains the female gametophyte?
a) stamen
b) petal
c) sepal
d) stigma
e) ovule
a) 10x
A microscope has an ocular lens with a magnification of 10x and objective lenses with magnifications of 10x, 20x, 30x, and 43x. Which of the following are not possible magnifications that can be achieved with this microscope?
a) 10x
b) 100x
c) 200x
d) 300

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