Drill | Dress | 8 Globemaster Squadron Jeopardy | Squadron and Flight Operations | Opportunities and Optional Training |
Turn Two Three Bang
Timing of a stationary left turn
Dress order for CO's parade
F/Sgt Corman, F/Sgt Yoon
List Flight Sergeant(s) that is(are) not belong to any of the flights
No. Blackdown, HMCS Ontario, etc
All general training courses take place in Trenton?
Up Two Three Four Five Down
Timing of a front salute
When is the dress C2B worn on a regular training night
CI Reynar
Who is our squadron supply officer?
Blackdown, Trenton, Connaunght, etc
List three CSTC
Right Dress
Drill movement with a timing of One, Two Two Three,
One Two Three, One, Two, Three, Four, Five |
Wedge, sweater, jacket, trousers or slacks
with belt, boots and grey wool socks. Worn with medals and pins on the jacket. Cloth pilot wing. Name tag
List components of a C3 uniform.
FSgt Choi, Clare
First Flight Commander of Cyclone Flight is...?
1. 2 weeks
2. 3 weeks 3. 6 weeks
How long are these types of Summer Training Courses?
1. General Training 2. Basic Course 3. Instructor Course |
Left foot. Check in pivot pivot, left right left
Which foot should step up as the check pace for a about turn on the march
Business casual.
Dress of civilian instructors during regular training nights
OCdt Cho, OCdt Chan, 2Lt Gomage, Maj Westernacher-Schneider, former CI Mak
Name at least two of 8 Globemaster's officers who were former Warrant Officers in the cadet program.
Alpha-Army DCIC
Bravo-SI Charlie-Expedition Instructor Delta-BDC
In Blackdown, name the first 4 companies(squadron) and their corresponding summer training course.
Regularly, if the command is called on the left foot, take one check pace, check arms, then salute for five paces. After five paces, drops solute on the right foot, check arms, and resume regular marching on the next pace which is on the left foot. This d
Demonstrate a proper right solute on the march.
Command: Right, salute will be called by a senior |
Commissioned officers have their ranks sewed on their sleeves. What was the original color of the bar(s)? What is the new color?
Major W. Westernacher-Schneider
Spell our CO's last name correctly
FSI DCIC ARMI Staff Glider Band
Name all the summer training opportunities that last 6 weeks and more available to Air Cadets, located in Blackdown and Trenton.