The Blessed Trinity | Relationship with God | The Incarnation | The Gospels | The Rosary |
What is the Blessed Trinity?
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are called this
What is infinite death?
The debt and the size of the debt that Jesus had to pay for us.
What is carne?
The root Spanish word where the word "Incarnation" comes from
What is the Good News?
This is what the word "Gospel" means
What are rocks?
The monks used these to keep track of the 150 psalms they would pray
Who is God the Son?
This person of the Trinity became man and lived among us
What is a covenant?
A solemn agreement between God and his people.
Who is 100% human and 100% Divine?
Jesus was both these two things as man
What is the Kingdom of God?
This is what Jesus was proclaiming had arrived when He preached
What is a "garland of roses"?
This is what the word "Rosary" means
What is the family?
This group of people is a mirror of the Blessed Trinity
What is mercy?
God shows us this constantly when we mess up and gives us forgiveness and love.
What are the Psalms?
These are the prayers that Jesus would have had to memorize as a child
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
These are the four Gospels in order
What is the Fifth Glorious Mystery?
This mystery is when Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth
What is the Great Commandment?
This commandment asks us to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves
What is evangelization?
The sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
What are His wounds from the cross?
These are what Jesus kept after His resurrection
What is a Gentile?
This is a term describing a non-Jewish person
What is the Fifth Luminous Mystery?
This mystery is called the "Institution of the Eucharist"
Who is St. Augustine?
Jesus appeared as a child to this saint and said he could fit the whole ocean in a small hole before he would understand the Trinity
What is a mortal sin?
This type of sin completely cuts off our relationship with God
Who is John the Baptist?
This is the name of the baby who leapt in Elizabeth's womb when Mary approached her
What is a parable?
This is a short story with a message
What is the third Glorious Mystery?
This mystery took place on the feast of Pentecost