Chumash | Basketball | Parsha | RPRY | People in Tanach |
What is Twice
Number times Moshe hit the rock
What is The New York Knicks
The team that plays in the "worlds most famous arena"
What is 10
Avraham lived ______ number of generations after Noach
What is 2 Harrison St
The address of RPRY
Who is Shlomo Hamelech
Smartest man to ever live
What is because he hit the rock
The Reason Moshe was punished according to Rashi
What is Boston Celtics
The only team with 16 NBA Titles
What is חרן
Avraham went from here to כנען
Who is Mr. Sorkin
The Assistant Principal when I went to RPRy
Who is Aharon Hakohen
אוהב שלום ורודף שלום
What is טומאת אהל
When someone is in a the same room as a dead body they become Tamei
Who is Wilt Chamberlain
The only person to ever score 100 points in a game
What is אברהם העברי
Avraham was called this because he stood on the other side of the River
What is Highland Park
The town that the Playground is in
Who is Shimshon
The Strong one
Who is Demar Derozan
The current League leader in PPG
What is the ברית בין הבתרים
The everlasting Promise Hashem made with Avraham
What is 1996
The year that RPRY expanded the building
Who is Yael
Killed סיסרא
What is because he got angry at בני ישראל and called them Rebels
The reason Moshe was punished according to the Ramban
Who is Kareem Abdul Jabbar (38,387)
The All time career leader in Points
What is tell them you are my sister.
Avraham Told Sara this when they went down to Egypt
What is a tire park
Before the current playground there was a __________
Who is ירמיהו
Warned about the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash