Clefs | Note Names | Time Signatures | Key Signatures | Rhythms |
Treble Clef
What is the name of the clef where women usually sing?
ACEG/All Cows Eat Grass (ect)
What is an acronym to remember the Bass Clef SPACES?
How many beats per measure
What does the upper number in the time signature tell us?
Last flat down 4 or 2nd to last flat.
What is the rule for finding a key signature with FLATS (b) in it?
3 Beats
In 4/4, how many beats would a quarter note tied to a half note receive?
Bass Clef
What is the name of the clef where men usually sing?
EGBDF/Every Good Boy Does Fine (ect)
What is an acronym to remember the Treble Clef LINES?
What notes receives 1 beat
What does the bottom number in the time signature tell us?
Last Sharp up 1
What is the rule for finding a key signature with SHARPS (#) in it?
4 Beats
In 4/4, how many beats would a half note tied to a half note receive?
F Clef
What is the other name for the Bass Clef?
GBDFA/Great Big Dogs Fight Animals (ect)
What is an acronym to remember the Bass Clef LINES?
Quarter Note
What note receives 1 beat in the following time signature: 4/4?
What is the key if the following notes are in the key signature: Bb, Eb, Ab, Db?
2 1/2 Beats
In 4/4, how many beats would an eighth note tied to a half note receive?
G Clef
What is the other name for the Treble Clef?
What is an acronym to remember the Treble Clef SPACES?
32 Beats Per Measure
How many beats per measure are there in the following time signature: 32/4
What is the key if the following notes are in the key signature: F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B#?
4 1/4 Beats
In 6/4, how many beats would a sixteenth note tied to a whole note receive?
Make a P, and a D, and a Curl... Woop Woop!
What is the song Mrs. Augustine uses to help you draw the Treble Clef?
Ledger/Leger Line
What is the added line above and below the staff called?
Eighth Note
What note receives 1 beat in the following time signature: 2/8?
What is the key if the following notes are in the key signature: Bb?
1 1/2 Beats
In 3/2, how many beats would a quarter note tied to a half note receive?