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What is Aharon died
This happened on הר ההר
What is LEBRON
The NBA Finals MVP last year
What is ישראל
The new name of Yaakov
What is 7
There are this many dwarves
What is קדש קדשים
The holiest part of the Beis Hamikdash
What is because it was one mountain on top of the other
Rashi's reason for why it was called הר ההר
what is the warriors
The team that the knicks played last night
What is the שרו של עשו
Yaakov fought him
What is Scar
The name of the bad guy in lion king
What is כרובים
These were on top of the ארון
What is a bed and a lit candle
Aharon saw this when entered the cave
What is Villanova
THE current #1 team in college basketball
What is Daven, send gifts, divide up into two camps
The three things Yaakov did to prepare for battle with Eisav
What is Abboo
The name of the monkey in Alladin
What is
Three כלים in the Beis Hamikdash
What is he lied down on the bed, he stretched out his hand, he closed his eyes, he closed his mouth
The four steps of Aharon's death according to Rashi
What is 13
Russel Westbrook Has this many triple doubles this season
What is to get the פח שמן
Yaakov went back over the river for this reason
What is a spinning arrow
Pocahontas saw this in her dream that made her think change was coming
What is 70CE
The year the second Beis Hamikdash was destroyed
What is Moshe davened to Hashem and He showed them an image of Aharon lying in his deathbed dead.
Rashi's explanation for how all of בני ישראל saw aharon died
What is the Spurs
This team won NBA title in 1999
What is עם לבן גרתי ותריג מצות שמרתי
Rashi learns this from the phrase "עם לבו גרתי"
What is Sleepy, happy, dopey, sneezy, grumpy, bashful, doc
The names of the 7 dwarves
What is 586 BCE
The year of the first beis hamikdash was destroyed