Ancient Egypt | Ancient Greeks | Ancient India | Early China | Rome & Roman Civilization |
What is a pharaoh
A ruler of ancient Egypt
What is a democracy
a government by the people
What is Buddhism
a religion founded by the religious teacher Buddha
What is the Great Wall of China
a wall built to keep the empire safe from invasion.
What is legions
large groups of Roman soldiers
What is Hieroglyphics
A writing system made up of both pictures & sound symbols.
What is a helot
an enslaved person in ancient Sparta.
What is Hinduism
One of the worlds oldest religions; developed in ancient India
What is Chinese inventions
An example is: waterwheels
Who is Venus
In Greece she is known as Aphrodite, the goddess of love & beauty
Who was King Tut
a young pharaoh who died unexpectedly at the age of 19.
Who was Zeus
King of the gods; god of the sky
What is a stupa
A Buddhist shrine; dome-shaped
What is legalism
a Chinese philosophy that stressed the importance of laws
What is a vault
a curved ceiling made of arches (romans created this form of art)
What is embalming
the process of treating a body to keep it from decaying
What is The Trojan Horse
a hollow, wooden object used to trick the Trojans into letting the Greek army into its territory.
What is a raja
an Indian prince
What is Confucianism
a system of beliefs based on the teachings of Confucius.
What is Pax Romana
Roman Peace.
Who was the sun god
Re, one of the two most crucial gods.
What is Athens
a Greek city-state located northwest of Sparta.
What is Sanskrit
the first written language of India
Who were the Shang
people who built the first cities in China
Who was Julius Caesar
The dictator of Rome in 44 B.C.; often considered a tyrant.