Creation, Cain, Noah | Job, Abraham & Sarah, Hagar & Ishmael | Isaac, Jacob & Sons | Joseph | Moses and Joshua |
Perfect & without sin
When God created the world, how did He create it?
Did Job choose to remain faithful to God even during the bad times?
Abraham and Sarah had a son at a very old age, what was his name?
Threw him in a pit and sold him
Joseph’s brothers were jealous. What did Joseph’s brothers do to get rid of him?
Burning Bush
God chose Moses to serve him while in the desert. What did God spoke to Moses through?
Adam & Eve chose to sin
How did sin enter the world?
God asked Abraham to leave his family and go to a new land where he could start a new nation, what is the name of land Abraham went to?
Isaac grew up, married a woman named Rebekah who had twin boys; one was named Esau, what was the other one’s name?
Yes, he did
Potiphar’s wife tempted him to sin … did Joseph stand firm and say no?
Plagues - Name Some
God told Moses that Pharaoh’s heart would be hard and would not let his people go right away. What amazing signs did God send to Egypt?
What is a major consequence of sin that impacted the entire world in Genesis?
God made a covenant with Abraham and God said that Abraham would have many children as many as WHAT in the sky?
Lie and Deceive
Was Jacob an honest young man or did he lie and deceive people?
True or False - Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son, and he gave him a coat of many colors.
10 commandments
When the Israelites reached Mount Sinai, Moses went to the top of the mountain to talk with God when he returned he brought back what?
The people were not putting God first
What was so wrong with building the tower of Babel?
What isDid Abraham and Sarah wait patiently and have total faith in God for a baby?
Jacob married two women, Leah and Rachel. Jacob had how many sons?
Looking for food
Joseph is put in charge of Egypt and prepared for a time when there was no food in the land. Why did Joseph’s brothers show up in Egypt?
After wandering in the desert for 40 years, who was the leader that took the people into the Promised Land?
Romans 3:23 and John 3:16
What D.L. Top 12 Verses specifically talk about sin and how God loves those who sin?
Sarah didn’t wait … she rushed God. What was the name of the child born to Abraham and his servant Hagar?
What was Jacob's new name changed to?
Did Joseph ever forgive his brothers?
Who was the lady in Jericho that hung a red cord out her window?