The Staff | Musical Notation | Notes and symbols | Drawing notes | Miscellaneous |
What is a clef
This is a sign placed on the staff to indicate the pitch of the notes.
What is notation
This was invented to express tones and how long each tone was supposed to last
What is a treble clef
A staff that has this kind of clef is used for higher pitched instruments
What is One
Draw a quarter note and tell me how many beats it gets
What is Broken Sparkle Toez
This was the name of Dylan, Jenna, and Ellie's band
What are bars
These are the vertical lines on the staff.
What is a staff
Musical notes are written on one of these.
What is a bass clef
A staff that has this kind of clef is used for lower pitched instruments
What is 1/2 each. 1 together
Draw 2 eighth notes and tell me how many beats each ones gets
What is Fire and Ice
This was the name of Nathan, Will, and Samantha's band.
What is a measure
This is the space between two bar lines.
What is five
There are this many lines on a staff
What is an octave
From one C to the next C is called this
What is 2
Draw a half note and tell me how many beats it gets
What is Lakerz
This was the name of Bobby, Bella, Joey, and Freddy's band.
What are measures
All music is divided into these.
What is four
There are this many spaces on a staff
What is the melody
The pattern of notes up and down the staff is what determines the sound of this.
What is 1
Draw a quarter rest and tell me how many beats it gets
What is
Each band played this type of music.
What are three and quarter note.
If a piece of music is written in 3/4 time, there are ____ beats to a measure and the _________ note gets the beat.
What are ABCDEFG
These are the letters of the musical notes.
What is whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, 32nd, and 64th.
These are the kinds of notes that were mentioned in your packet (there are 7 kinds)
What is 4 each
Draw a whole note and a whole rest and tell me how many beats each gets
What are peanuts, 1, 2, 3, and cash money
These were the 3 songs that Bobby and Freddy sang during their presentation