NOUNS | Adjectives: | Verbs | Verbs 2 | Verbs 3 |
What is a group of nouns that share similar patterns for their endings
a declension
What is a word that modifies a noun by answering these questions: What kind? Which one? How many?
an adjective
What is an show action or a state of being
a verb
What are the 2nd person English pronouns
you (Singular)
you all (Plural) |
When does the present tense take place?
Right now, it is happening
What is a Subject Noun (SN), Predicate Nominative (PrN), and Predicate Adjective (Pr A)
the job of the Nominative case
How do you know which noun an adjective is modifying?
the two words must match in case, number, and gender.
What is a group of verbs that share similar patterns for their endings
a conjugation
What are the 3rd person English pronouns
he, she, it (Singular)
they (Plural) |
How do you find the stem of a verb?
Go to the infinitive form and chop off the -re
What is a noun tied to the subject by a linking verb which renames the subject
a Predicate Nominative
What is conjugating
listing a verb with all of its endings
What does number tell you about the verb?
How many are completing the verb
Why do you need the stem of a verb?
The verb's stem is what the endings are attached too. In the 1st person/singular/
present tense the -o replaces the last vowel in the stem. |
What is a noun tied to the subject by a linking verb which describes the subject
a Predicate Adjective
What are the 3 characteristics
Person, Number, and Tense
What does person tell you
about the verb?
Who is completing the verb
In what time does imperfect tense take place?
in the past ( continuous and ongoing)
What is the job of the Genitive case?
a Possessive Noun Adjective (PNA)
What are the 1st person English pronouns
I, me (Singular)
we, us (Plural) |
What does tense tell you about the verb?
When the verb is completed (time)
In what time does future tense take place?
not yet, it will happen