Gemara | Baseball | Parsha | Rpry | People in Tanach |
What is Chatzos
According to the Tanna Kamma you can daven Shacharis until this time of day
A Perfect Game
When you face 27 batters in a game and get all 27 batters out
This Weeks Parsha
2 Harrison St
The address of RPRY
Shlomo Hamelech
He built the Beis Hamikdash
What is a Kashya
Step 2 in the Gemara is this step
Who is Babe Ruth
The Great Bambino
Hakol Kol Yaakov V'hayadayim yidei Eisav
The Famous words that Isaac said to Yaakov when he came to get the Bracha
Mr. Sorkin
The Vice Principal when I was in RPRY
Dovid Hamelech
Moshiach comes from him
What is a Tanna
A Rabbi in the Mishnah
Who is Barry Bonds
The Player with the Most Career Home Runs
The Age yaakov and eisav were when they started to show they were different
HIghland Park
The town that the Playground is in
Known as "ohev Shalom V'rodef Shalom"
What is Netz Hachamah
According to the Baraisa you should daven shacharis at this time
What is 27
The Yankees have won this many world series Championships
Lentil Soup
Yaakov was cooking this on the day that he sold Eisav the Bechor
The year that RPRY was renovated/expanded
Moshe's Successor
What is Are you allowed to make up Mincha by davening Maariv twice.
The Shayla of the Gemara in Step 7
Who is Pete Rose
The player with the most career hits
Because Avraham died and we eat lentils when someone dies.
The Reason Yaakov was cooking this on that day
What is the Tire Park
Before the current playground existed this was there instead
Killed Sisera