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In 1840 the Jewish population of American was 15,000 and 20 years later, in 1860 it was ...... What?
False, they came from the country mainly and were uneducated and unskilled
True or False: The Jews who first came to the United States were typically very wealthy
This man was the grand inquisitor of the Jewish Inquistion
At least 8,000 Jewish soldiers fought for the Union and Confederacy during the Civil War.
At least .... Jewish soldiers fought for the Union and Confederacy during the Civil War.
Larry Page
Sergey Bring
Ruth Handler
Levi Strauss
Adam Sandler
Albert Einstein
name 5 amazing Jews who are also citizens or were citizen of the United States of America **and explain what they are famous for?
Jewish villages in Europe were called what?
They were considered a drag on the economy
In 1924, why was Jewish immigration to the United States no longer allowed? They were considered what on the economy?
Haym Salomon
By 1776 and the War of Independence, there were an estimated 2,000 (mostly Sephardic) Jews (men, women and children) living in America, yet their contribution to the cause was significant. For example, in Charleston, South Carolina, almost every adult Jew
+/- 7000
It is estimated ....Jews servied for Union
On November 14, 1935, the Nazis issued the following definition of a Jew: Anyone with three Jewish grandparents; someone with two Jewish grandparents who belonged to the Jewish community on September 15, 1935, or joined thereafter; was married to a Jew
How did the Nazis define who was Jewish?
Judah P Benjamin
This Jewish man who was the Confederacy's secretary of State
Only about 150,000
True or False: Only about 1 million Jews were allowed after 1924 into the United States
Moral relativism is the view that moral judgments are true or false only relative to
some particular standpoint (for instance, that of a culture or a historical period) ...
What does Moral Relativism mean?
Provide an example
+/- 3000
It is estimated that ....served for the Confederacy.
if one person is opressed then all people are opressed.
What's the relationship between Feminism and Abolitionism?
Peddler // had friends who had spread out around the country that helped them get in business.
For many Americans in the early 19th century, the first Jewish person they came into contact with had what job? Why did Jewish people work in this capacity?
Creation of the State of Israel
In 1948 what occurred most relevant to the Jewish People?
A) is the capacity for a sign (such as a word, phrase, or symbol) to have
multiple meanings (that is, multiple semes or sememes and thus multiple senses)
B) Bystanders consciously choose to stand by and watch - and as such they C) reinforce the norms
A) What does the word Polysemic mean?
B) What does it mean to be bystander?
C) What do they do? Starts with an "R"
Charleston & Savannah
There were an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 Jews living in the 11 states of the Confederacy in 1860, approximately 7% of the U.S. Jewish population. Significant Jewish communities flourished in these 2 specific cities:
Golda Meir and Albert Einstein
Who was the woman that was Israeli's first female prime minister? Also, which famous american scientist was asked to be Israel's president but declined the offer?
They had delt with anti-Semitism and program in Europe which led to them to travel to the United States for greater freedom
Why did the Ashkanazi Jews largely sympathize with the plight of the black slaves?
False, 7 million
True or False: Today America is home to 10 million Jews?
True or False: The first Jews arrived in America with Columbus in 1492, and we also know that Jews newly-converted to Christianity were among the first Spaniards to arrive in Mexico with Conquistador Hernando Cortez in 1519.
Germany - Ashkanazi not Sephardi
In 1860, the Jewish population in the U.S. was about 150,000 (Of the Jewish population, more than 100,000 were new immigrants who had arrived from WHICH COUNTRYsince 1850.) The total US population exceeded 31 million.
*B) They referred to as What as oppos
A The "Holocaust" refers to the period from January 30, 1933, when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, to May 8, 1945 (V-E Day), the end of the war in Europe.
B While it is impossible to ascertain the exact number of Jewish victims, statistics indicate
A When speaking about the "Holocaust," what time period are we referring to?
B How many Jews were murdered during the Holocaust?

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