Things On A World Map | Things That Seperate The Globe | Potpourri | ||
What is a hemisphere
Half of the globe.
What is prime meridan?
The meridian running through Greenwich,England, form which longitude east and west is reckoned.
What is a physical map?
physical mapsof the world,depct the physical features of it's continens and geographical regions by means of colors ,gradients and shades.
What is global warming?
When there are too many greenhouse gasses, then the world would get too hot and we would all die.
What is import?
Import is when you take something from some place in another conry and bring it back to your contry.
What is scale?
To remove the scales off of a fish.
What is the equaor?
A circle separating a surface into two congruent pars.
What is region?
Without drawing borders yet having an area
What is greenhouse affect?
The affect of something that will happen if we don't save the earth.
What are natural resources?
Natural resourcse are things that the earth makes naturaly.
What is latitude?
An angular distance in degrees north or south of the equator.
What is the tropic of cancer?
The tropic of cancer is pretty much the equator.
What is urban?
More like city area than country
What is population?
How many people live in one area, like Racine.
What is a key?
Aey is something you would find on a map to help you under stand the map.
What is longitude?
See distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridan.
What is the tropic of capricorn?
The sun hits the tropic of capricorn every day.
What is rural?
Opposite to living in the city
What is discrimination?
An act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.
What is legend?
A story handed down generation to generation.
What is meridian?
A great circle of the earth passing through the poles and any given point on the earth's surface.
What is a politcal map?
Political maps are designed to show governmental boundraies of contries,states,and counties.,
What is a graph?
Graphs are tools to help us find solutions.
What is export?
Taking something out of a contry and put it in a new contry.
What is a compass rose?
A compass rose is to help you tell if you are going north and in the rest of the derctinos.