Vocabulary | Grammar | The United Kingdom | Fill in the gaps | Show what you know. |
What is historical.
What are catch and caught.
Sõna "püüdma" oleviku ja mineviku vorm?
What is London.
What`s the capital of the United Kingdom.
What is fishing rods.
I learned all about ....... ......, hooks and baits. (Unit 1)
What is: Yes, I am.
Are you a year-five student?
What is on the ground floor.
esimesel korrusel
What is flies.
Tegusõna "lendama" ainsuse kolmandas pöördes?
What are its beautiful historical buildings.
London is famous for....
What is garden.
It has a wild ............ with lots of trees and flowers. (Unit 2)
What is: It lies on the coast of Baltic Sea.
Where does Estonia lie?
What is competition.
What are: am, are, is, was, were.
Tegusõna "be" 5 põhivormi?
What is a double-decker bus tour.
What is the best way to see London.
What is English.
I`m Alan Hobson, your new................. teacher.(Unit 3)
What is: At 10.50
When do you have lunch break?
What is buy-back centre.
taara vastuvõtupunkt
What is: It was late, there were no people in the street.
Tõlgi lause: Oli hilja, tänaval ei olnud inimesi. Kasuta fraasi: There is või There are.
What are British.
The people of the UK are called?
What is huge pile.
There was a ............ ............... of clothes on the floor. (Unit 4)
What are: Helsinki, Riga, Moscow, Stockholm.
What are the capitals of our closest neighbours?
What is the Baltic Sea.
What is: I am sitting at the moment.
Tõlgi lause kasutades tegusõna kestvaa oleviku vormis: Hetkel ma istun.
What are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The parts of the United Kingdom are.....
What is for lovely.
We have got .......... ........... seasons.
What are blue, black and white.
What are the colours of Estonian flag?