Famous Americans | Laws + Government | Fun Facts about America | Traditions | Summer |
George Washington
Who was the first American President?
How many individuals represent a state in the Senate?
Washington D.C.
What is the capital of the United States?
Red, White, & Blue
What colors are typically worn at a 4th of July celebration?
What is the most bought item in the US during summer?
Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin
Which American was the first to go on the moon? (2 Answers)
Legislative, Executive, & Judicial
What are the 3 branches of government?
The bald eagle
What is the national bird of America?
What type of fiery display in the sky is typically used to celebrate?
According to a research study, what is America's favorite ice cream flavor?
Benjamin Franklin
Which American discovered electricity?
The Bill of Rights
What is the name of the first 10 amendments?
The Star-Spangled Banner
What is the name of the national anthem?
What is the most common activity to cook food on the 4th of July?
Vitamin D
What vitamin do we get from the sun?
Betsy Ross
Who sewed the first American Flag?
John Hancock
Whose signature is the largest on the Constitution?
In which state is the liberty bell located?
Host a fireworks show
What does Macy's do for the 4th of July?
What American state is known for having the most popular beaches?
Richard Nixon
Which president was associated with the Watergate Scandal?
A veto
What is the term for the instance which the president says no to a law?
The starts represent states, and the stripes represent the 13 colonies.
What do the stars and stripes represent on the American flag?
The Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence to renounce British rule
What does the 4th of July celebrate?
Held between June & July this year, one of the most important sporting championships in the world is a popular event to watch during the summer. Name the sport.