Number Sense Number Operations Fractions and Decimals Geometry Measurement
What is the value of the digit 6 in the number 463,025?
Find the GCF of the numbers 27 and 45.
8/10 + 4/100
What is the sum of fractions for 0.84?
Rule: Add 6
Next 3 numbers: 58, 64, 70
Find the rule AND the next three numbers in this pattern:
22 28 34 40 46 52
80 ounces
A chef needs 5 pounds of carrots for a salad. How many ounces are in 5 pounds?
How many times greater is the digit in the ten thousands place than the hundreds place in the number 247,419?
6,160 seats
Clay went to watch a UK basketball game with his dad. There are 23,084 seats at Rupp Area but only 16,924 were being used that day. How many seats were not being used?
Which symbol makes the sentence true?
2/8 _____ 1/3
36 inches
A rectangle has sides that measure 12 inches and 6 inches. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
7,000 grams
A chair has a mass of 7 kilograms. What is the mass, in grams, of the chair?
The population of Richmond is 35,014. What is the population rounded to the nearest ten thousand?
6,100 feet
Mary and her lamb walked 3,204 feet on Monday. They walked 2,891 feet on Tuesday. About how many feet, to the nearest hundred, they walk in all?
2/3 inch
Anthony has a piece of paper that is 11/12 inch long. He cuts 1/4 inch off the length of it. How long is the paper now? (Answer must be in simplest form)
55 degrees
The measure of angle A is 90 degrees. A part of angle A measures 35 degrees What is the measure of the other part of angle A?
14 pints
Michael bought 7 quarts of engine oil for his truck. How many pints are in 7 quarts?
30,000 + 4,000 + 900 + 20 +6
Jill recorded the number of seconds she spent reading for the month of April. She read 34,926 seconds. Write this number in expanded form.
135 strawberries
3rd graders at a local elementary school help farmers harvest strawberries. They collected 742 strawberries but ate 67 of them. They put the remaining strawberries into 5 baskets. How many strawberries are in each basket?
1 1/4 gallons
Amy drank 3/6 gallon of water on Tuesday. She drank 3/4 gallon of water on Wednesday. How much water did she drink in all? (Answer must be written as a mixed number in simplest form)
How many lines of symmetry does an equilateral triangle have?
1 hour, 50 minutes
Ebony started reading at 10:40 AM. She stopped reading at 12:30 PM. How long did Ebony spend reading?
74,204 > 56,734 > 53,581 > 53,014
Order the numbers from greatest to least:
56,734 74,204 53,581 53,014
Maya is saving her money to buy an iPad. She started with $57. Each week, she earns $35 for doing her chores and helping babysit her brother. After 8 weeks, how much money will she have in all?
3 3/4 feet
Catalina decorated 5 shoeboxes with 3/4 foot of ribbon each. How many feet of ribbon did she use in all to decorate all 5 boxes? (Answer must be written as a mixed number in simplest form)
Which shape has the following properties?
-4 sides
-2 pairs of parallel lines
-Opposite sides are equal
-1 pair acute angles, 1 pair obtuse angles
75 inches
Mr. Johnson is 6 feet and 3 inches tall. How tall is Mr. Johnson in inches?

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