All about the After School Program | All about learning | All about 4th grade | All about Riddles | What is logos |
What is Expanding minds
What is the after school programs name?
What is 72
What is 8x9?
Who is Fabian and Sarahi
Who goes to Mexico every year?
What is a clock
What has hands but cannot write or clap?
What is taco bell
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What is
What is 4/6
What is 2/6 + 3/6 =
Who is Alonzo
Who has twin brothers in the program?
What is All of them
How many months have 28 days?
What is Target
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What is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
When do we have little heroes
What is 1,016
What is 342 + 674 =
Who is Zach
Whose mom brought cookies for valentines day decorating event?
What is the W
What do you find at the end of a rainbow?
What is Dutch bro
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What is Meranda & Isela
Who is the student of the month for January for Ms Valeries and Ms Daniela's class?
What is 1,035
What is 23 x 45 =
Who is Kensey
Who is the newest person in 4th grade?
What is the future
What is always right in front of you, yet you cannot see it?
What is Little Ceasers
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What is Coach A
Who is your little heroes instructor name?
What is 214
Whats is 428/2
Who is Emi
Who has been in both Ms Valerie and Ms Daniela's class ?
What is 10 didn't
What is Twitter
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