People of Israel | Israel in Egypt. | Suffering in Egypt. | Let my people go. | Wandering people |
Who were Jacob and Esau?
They were the two sons of Isaac and Rebecca.
Where is Egypt?
The land where Joseph ended up as a slave after being sold by his brothers.
What are slaves?
The families of Joseph's brothers grew and grew. They continued to live in Egypt. They formed 12 tribes. After many generations the Pharaoh was afraid of them and made them this.
What is set the Israelites free?
God told Moses to return to Egypt and He would help him do this.
What was the golden calf?
The people built and worshipped this not long after God saved them from Pharaoh..
Who was Jacob?
He stole the birthright of his older brother with a trick and had his name changed to Israel when he fought all night with an angel.
Who was the Pharoah?
When he was in prison Joseph was called to interpret the dream of this man.
What is death to all boy babies?
Pharaoh ordered this when the Israelites grew to numerous.
What is 10?
The number of plagues God sent to Egypt.
What is receiving the 10 Commandments?
Moses was doing this while they were worshipping the golden calf.
Who are Leah and Rachel?
The sisters Jacob married after he was tricked into working 14 years.
What is 7 years?
The dream told that there would be this many years of famine and plenty.
Who was Moses?
This Hebrew boy was saved when his mother put him in a basket boat and set on the Nile River.
What was the death of the first born?
The final plague that caused Pharaoh to let the people go was this.
What is manna?
God fed his people this wafer like bread when they were hungry in the desert.
Who was Rachel?
The sister Jacob really loved.
What is save food in times of plenty?
Joseph did this to ensure there was plenty of food to make it through the famine after he was named governor by the Pharaoh.
What is killed a slave driver?
Moses was sent away from Egypt when he did this.
What is an unblemished lamb?
In the Passover meal the Israelites had to sacrifice and eat one of these..
What was the Ark of the Covenant?
The gold box the Israelites built to keep the stone tablets and some Manna in.
Who was Joseph?
Rachel's only son. The one Jacob loved most.
What is bowed before him?
What Joseph's brother's did when they came to Egypt looking for food during the famine.
What is the Burning Bush?
Out in the desert Moses saw this miracle and talked to God.
What was the parting of the Red Sea?
This great miracle saved the Israelites from Pharaoh and his chariots.
What is a covenant?
A promise between God and His people is called this.