Creation | Adam and Eve | Cain and Abel | Noah | Abraham |
What is 6 days?
The number of days it took God to create the world.
What is Original Sin?
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
Who are Cain and Abel?
They were the sons of Adam and Eve.
What was the flood?
God caused this to wash away all the evil and wickedness in the world.
Who was Abraham?
He had no children when God promised him he would be the father of many nations.
What is rested?
God did this on the 7th day.
What is Death. Loss of God's Grace?
The Punishment for disobeying God.
Who is Cain?
He murdered his brother Abel.
What is 40?
God said it would rain this many days and nights.
Who was Isaac?
The son of Abraham and his wife Sarah.
What is Hell?
A place of eternal suffering and separation from God.
Who is Jesus?
God, in His mercy, promised Adam and Eve a Redeemer.
What is Jealous?
What Cain was of his brother Abel.
Who was Noah?
God called this good man to obey Him and build an ark.
What is Sacrifice him?
What God asked Abraham to do this to his son Isaac.
What is "it is very good"
God said this after he made Adam.
What is the Garden of Eden?
The name of the place where God created and lived with Adam and Eve.
Who is Abel?
He was the brother who offered a pleasing sacrifice to God.
Who were in the ark with Noah?
His family and 2 of every kind of animal.
What is an angel of God?
It stopped Abraham as he lifted the knife to slay Isaac.
What is heaven?
The place where we live in eternal happiness with God
What is Hid?
Adam and Eve did this when God came into the Garden after they had disobeyed Him.
What is the 5th Commandment?
The Commandment Cain broke.
What is a rainbow?
God put this sign in the sky as a reminder to us of his promise to never again flood the earth because of sin.
What is a ram?
What Abraham sacrificed instead of Isaac.