Farm Safety | 4H Potpourri | Babies | Egg Facts | Chicken Facts |
What is a tractor?
Never Start In a Closed Shed
What is 1913?
The year that 4H Canada was established!
What is a Chick
A baby chicken
What is determined by genetics?
Egg Colour
What is a modern chicken?
Domesticated 8000 years ago
What is large livestock?
You should always approach at the shoulder
What is the 4H Mascot?
Frisco the Fox
What is a Poult
A baby turkey
What is 17 days?
The length of time a quail egg takes to hatch
What is 100?
The number of faces a chicken memorize
What is a fire risk?
Sometimes cobwebs are these in a barn.
What is the 4H Pledge
I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, my health to better to living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.
What is a Lamb
A baby sheep
What is 28 days?
The length of time a duck egg takes to hatch
What is moult?
When chickens annually lose their feathers.
What is a fire extinguisher?
Something you should have checked each year in your barn.
What is the 4H Canada Motto
Learn to do by doing
What is a calf
A baby cow
What is 21 days?
The length of time a chicken egg takes to hatch
What is broody?
When chicken sits on eggs waiting for them to hatch.
What is a farm safety plan?
A plan you should develop and review each year for your farm.
What do the 4 H's stand for?
Head, Heart, Hands, Health
What is a kid
A baby goat
What is wash?
The process of cleaning chickens eggs before being packaged.
What is approximately two peanuts?
The size of a chickens brain.