Jackson vs. Adams | Two-Party System | Western Frontier | Greater Equality | Changes to Parties & Campaigns |
John Quincy Adams
Who won the Election of 1824?
Democrats supported Andrew Jackson
Whigs supported Henry Clay
What were the 2 parties created under Jackson, and who did each party support?
West of the Mississippi River
What did "The West" mean in the 1800's?
Many east-coast states followed suit in allowing greater suffrage.
After the newly admitted states were more lenient with their requirements for one to hold office, how did many of the east-coast states follow?
They were a small rising third party in the 1800s that attacked secret societies and elites. They were the first part to hold nominating conventions.
What was the Anti-Masonic party and what did they do?
What was the span of Andrew Jackson's presidency?
Federalist Party
What older party were the Whigs similar to?
Violence, disease, treaties, and military action
How were the Native American tribes removed?
growing suffrage, a change in politicking and campaigning, improved education, and newspaper circulation.
Name 2 things that sparked the interest of average Americans and caused them to start caring more about politics.
They were a small rising third party in the 1800s that tried to united skilled workers and artisans into a political organization.
What was the Workingmen's party and what did they do?
Tariffs approved by Adams that helped northern manufacturers, but did nothing for southern farmers.
What was the Tariff of Abominations?
The Democrats handled the Panic of 1837 poorly.
What put the Whigs in a good position to win the Election of 1840?
Settlements of Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and the Spanish from Mexico and Central America
Name 3 groups with settlements that resided in the west.
It caused a significant increase; the number of people voting for president rose from 350,000 in 1824 to 2.4 million in 1840.
How did changes in voting laws affect the number of people that voted for president between 1824 and 1840?
It refers to the habit of politicians to repay their supporters by giving them government
jobs, not basing employment on qualifications.
What was the Spoils System?
Jackson issued the proclamation in 1832, declaring nullification and disunion as treason against the United States.
Who issued the Proclamation to the People of South Carolina, and what did it say?
The belief that the federal government shouldn’t be actively involved in manipulating the economy.
What belief were the laissez-faire policies based on?
exhausted soil, near extinction and clear-cut entire forest
The pioneers ignorance of maintaining the environment caused?
Even people (specifically white men) with the
most humble beginnings could become successful and wealthy.
Describe most Americans' beliefs in equality of opportunity in the 1800s.
He believed that government workers were
replaceable and thus pushing the idea that average Americans could do government work.
What was Jackson's belief when pushing for rotation of office?
Manufacturing, a National University, an Astronomical Observatory
Jacksonians saw this as a violation of the Constitution and a waste of money.
Name 2 things JQ Adams asked Congress for money for, and describe why Jackson's supporters disagreed.
They were hoping to split the votes leading to an election in the House, but their strategy failed and Martin Van Buren won the election.
Why did the Whigs run 3 different candidates in the Election of 1836? Did their strategy work?
Lewis and Clark
Who did the "mountain men" follow west?
They allowed ALL white men to vote and hold office, disregarding religious or property requirements that were common.
What was different about the way the newly admitted states allowed white men to hold office?
King Caucus were closed-door meetings of
political elites who chose candidates; this meant that average citizens had no opportunity to participate.
What were King Caucus and what was the average citizen's participation like?