Movies Summer Activities Toys Landmarks Animals
What is The Wizard of Oz
This 1939 movie, starring Judy Garland, "brightens" up the big screen with its colorful movie props such as the yellow brick road, emerald city, and a green faced wicked witch
What is Fishing
This activity would require water, a pole, a hook, and a worm
What is the Hula Hoop
This round toy was invented in 1958, you can twirl it around your arm, neck, or leg, but most common around your waist
What is New York
This state is home to the Statue of Liberty
What is a Tiger
What is the largest "big cat" in the world?
What is Mary Poppins
This 1964 Disney classic starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke introduced us to songs such as "A spoon full of sugar" and "supercalifragalisticexpalidotious"
What is Camping
This activity is an overnight trip, you packed a sleeping bag, a lantern, and a tent
What is the Frisbee
This toy started out as a pie tin, to this day it is one of the most popular toys selling more of these than all sport balls combined. Dogs seem to love this plastic disc as much a humans
What is Asia
What continent would you go to to see the Great Wall of Chinia
What is an elephant
What is the largest land animal in the world?
What is Gone With The Wind
In 1939 this movie starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh won the hearts of everyone, winning 10 Academy Awards. "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"
What is a Smore
This is a yummy summer treat made over a fire with marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers
What is the Cabbage patch doll
In 1978 a 21 year old invented a doll that still to this day is very popular. The doll, named after a vegetable, is to be "adopted" and comes with a birth certificate as well as a name.
What is San Francisco
The Golden Gate bridge is found in what California City
How many legs does a spider have?
What is Cinderella
This 1950 Disney classic is still viewed and adored by little girls today. With a fairy godmother, a royal ball, and glass slippers, this rags to riches story has become iconic in the Disney empire
What is the Beach
This is where you go on a beautiful summer day, you need a swim suit, towel, sun screen, and flip flops
What is Lawn Darts or Jarts
This toy is now banned, because of the dangers of throwing large darts across the yard aiming for a circle target
What is India
What country would you visit to see the Taj Mahal
A mare
What is the name of an adult female horse?
What is Casablanca
This 1942 movie starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman takes place during WWII, a nightclub owner wants to escape to America until his true love shows up "you must do the thinking for the both of us"
What is a BBQ
This activity involves friends and family, food, and a grill. The kick off weekend for this activity is normally Memorial day
What is Barbie
In 1959 this doll was introduced to us, and has since grown into a major empire. She has had over 80 careers, 43 pets, an infinite number of clothing and accessories, and even her own dream house. Not to mention a handsome boyfriend Ken
What is Rome, Italy
This Country is home to the Colosseum
What is a pride
What is a group of lions called?


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