Genetics | Human DNA | Single Gene Disorders | Human Diseases | Genetics 2 |
What is the study of inherited variations?
Automated Sequencing Techniques
What allows the staff to sequence the human genome to an unparalleled rate?
The origination of tumors
What is tumorogenesis?
Environmental and Genetic
What are the two components that contribute to every human disease?
The crossing of organisms and looking at their offspring,showing organisms heredity follow definite and simple rules.
What are transmission genes?
Genetics is considered to be what type of science?
DNA Microarray Technology or DNA chip
What tool designed to identify mutations in genes?
Sickle-Cell and
Cystic Fibrosis and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
What are some single-gene disorder?
Huntington's or
Tay-sachs or Cystic Fibrosis
What disease has a major impact on the components that contribute to disease?
Looking at DNA samples from a variety of sources to identify specific base sequence in the sample.
What is hybridization techniques?
Human Genetics
What is the study of inherited human variations?
What color do they put in subject DNA while using the microchip?
Mutations of multiple genes reacting with environmental variables
What are polygenic genes?
Cancer or
Diabetes or Heart Disease
What disease has a smaller impact on the components that contribute to disease?
The study of cellular reproduction, its machinery and process.
What is cytologic techniques?
What are the observable traits or characteristics of an organisms?
It binds with the mutation
What happens to the subject DNA when the mutation is present?
SNP or single-nucleotide polymorphisms
What are polymorphisms that occur in a single-base pair?
Breast Cancer or
Diabetes or Parkinson Disease
What diseases were genetically cloned?
This allows the cutting and rejoining of DNA molecules in specific and predictable ways.
What is restriction analysis & molecular recombination?
A gene that exists in more than one version
What are polymorphisms?
What color does the sample turn when the mutation is absent?
Which of these is not a single-gene disorder?
sickle-cell muscular dystrophy diabetes |
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Retionoblastoma, and Cystic Fibrosis
What were the three earliest diseased mapped?
Fast, inexpensive technique for making an unlimited number of copies of any piece of DNA
What is amplification techniques?