General 4-H Knowledge | General Knowledge about 4-H Record Book | PDR | APR | 4-H Story, Collection of 4-H Work, and LDR |
Head, Heart, Hands and Health
What do the four H’s stand for?
No. (They must be junior members (9yrs old).)
Can clover buds participate in the Star ranking?
Personal Development Report
What does PDR stand for in a 4-H record book ?
Annual Project Report
What does APR stand for?
• Junior (or first year member): 250 – 500 words • Intermediate: 500 – 1000 words • Senior: 1000 – 2000 words
What is the max number of words for your 4-H story?
Clover buds or primary members
What do we call the young members who are 5-8 yrs old?
Yes, but plain white copier paper for most sections. The Title Page may be any color or
special paper.
Can 4-H members use colored paper for their record books?
1) project completed 2) 4-H Project Skill 3) 4-H Events Attended 4) Leadership Development 5) Citizenship & Community Services 6) Communication Skills 7) Honors & Recognition 8) Healthy Lifestyle Activities
How many sections are there in a PDR?
You need the project leader's signature on each APR.
To complete an APR, what do you need from your project leader?
You have to complete 20 hours in the same role for it to count in this category
How many hours of work do you need in each leadership role to complete LDP?
I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty, My hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world.
What is the 4-H Pledge?
Yes, they can. (There are limited numbers in each categories, but they can definitely record them. Check the record book manual for more details.)
Can 4-H members record activities from outside 4-H in their record books?
Club potluck party, county events, holiday party, 4-H camp...
What are two examples for 4-H events attended?
6 hours and 80%
What are the minimum required hours and attendance rate to complete a project?
What is the maximum number of pages in a Collection of 4-H Work?
Learn by doing
What is the 4-H slogan?
It stands for Leadership Development Record.
What does LDR stands for?
Participating in Food Fiesta, Fashion Revue, Presentation Day, Skills Day, Showmanship, Stills, and County Fair
What are two examples for project skill activities?
Yes, you will need one page for each APR. It's a page 4-H members can show their learning experience. Try to share what your spark with readers, and let them know what you learned:)
What is an expression page? Do we need to make one?
• Double space.
• Print single OR double sided, you choose. • Use an easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman or Garamond. • Keep the text size between 12 point and 14 point.
What are two formatting guidelines for 4-H Story?
11 (Alhambra, Brentwood, Briones, Claycord, Delta-Diablo, Knightsen, Pleasant Hill, Oakley, Lamorinda, Tassajara, Wildcat)
How many 4-H clubs are there in Contra Costa county?
Intermediate and senior members who are in leadership roles.
Who needs to record LDR?
4-H Presentations, prepared talk, radio and television appearances representing as a 4-H guest, newspaper articles about 4-H you wrote, letters you wrote to teach others about 4-H, serving as a Judge for a 4-H activity or contest ,representing 4-H, On-Line Communication (Facebook, Twitter, blogs or other social media platforms that you created and moderated on a regular basis. “Liking” or commenting on a post does not count.)
What are two examples for communication skills?
In the Learning Experiences box, record every project-related activity or event where you learned something new or developed a skill related to the project. Write about what you did, where you did it and what you learned or the skill you practiced. Be sure to list the hours of work you dedicated to that event or activity.
What are two examples you can record in the box in APR other than project meetings?
newspaper articles (you wrote or about you)
pamphlets (you made or featuring you) letters (written by you) certificates (you received) Your Collection of 4-H Work supports the other sections of your Record Book. It is an opportunity for you to display what you have done and learned throughout the year through photos, samples and examples. If you listed something in your PDR or APR, this is a good place to show an example of that.
What are two items other than photos that you can include in your Collection of 4-H work page?