risky behaviors | Risk Your Taking | Bullying | Alcohol | 4-h |
What is marijuana/alcohol
what is most common among teens?
What is 100 to 500 and drivers license revoked
What is one of the usual penalties for driving under the influence of drugs?
What is bullying
What is the biggest problem at most schools involving kids?
What is serious and/or fatal excessive amount of alcohol
What is alcohol poisoning?
What is one
How many people should speak at the same time during a club meeting?
what is not wearing a seatbelt
what is the most common killer on the highway?
What is it called it when the body becomes tolerant to a drug?
What is verbal bullying
What type of bullying is threatening, name calling, and taunting?
What is Blood,Alcohol,Content
What does BAC stand for?
What is on time!
When should meetings start and end
what is marijuana
what is most common drug?
What is Physical and psychological
What are the 2 types of drug dependence?
What is social bullying
What type of bullying is speeding rumors to embarrass someone?
What is .08%
The legal limit of alcohol is what?
What is the minutes
What is the name of the record kept from the meeting?
What is nicotine
what colorless orderless chemical is given to the smoker as a smoke?
What is Side affect
What is the unwanted change in the body when drugs are taken?
What is stealing ,hitting, breaking property or kicking
Name one example of physical bullying.
What is 5 to 10 minutes
How long does it take for alcohol to enter the blood stream?
What is 1) business 2) recreation 3) education
What are the 3 parts of a meeting
Is nicotinena depressant, stimulant, or narcotic?
What is mouth, inhaling, injection
Name 3 most common ways drugs enter the body?
What is cyber bullying
What bullying uses Internet or cellphones?
What is disrupts body functions
Name at least 1 long term affects of alcohol.
What is the clubs leaders, parents, and other adults
Who guides the club members in making good decisions but does not tell them what to do?