Safety | Emergency Preparedness | Safe & Secure Policies | Site Facts | Leader Facts |
What is the power zone?
mid chest to mid thigh and the width of the body
What is the code called for a medical emergency?
code green
What is the badge policy?
wear your badge at all times while on property, do not hand off badge & report lost immediately to AP
When did the site open?
March 23, 2022
Who is our newest OM?
What is the appropriate way to wear your safety vest?
zipped all the way up and the correct size.
What is the appropriate locations to shelter in place?
restrooms, lactation room, admin office, yard office
What is Target's weapons policy?
Weapons are prohibited on property
What is TLMD go live day for 3866?
June 29th
Which leaders previously ran fireworks stand?
Christina & Roman
What is clamping?
When you grip a box with your fingers
What is the appropriate exterior rally point?
East Property Entrance Driveway
Truck Yard by Linehaul Gate |
What is Target's policy on food delivery?
Food delivery is prohibited as it a violation of closed campus policy.
What is the square feet of the building?
Which leader almost went pro in football?
What is steps you must take before entering a trailer?
Wait until the light is green, complete checklist, unhook key, lift door, set dock plate, turn light on and fan on.
What is the appropriate location to find eyewash stations?
pillars marked eye wash station
What is closed campus policy?
For the safety and security of our team members and guests, US based Target Supply Chain facilities are considered closed campuses. The closed campus has been defined as the condition relative to the facility whereby team members on the clock are not permitted to leave the facility from the time they arrive at the start of their shift until the end of their shift.
What is the the highest amount of TLMD routes we've completed in a day?
110 routes
Who used to be a cart attendant?
What is new team lift weight requirement?
Over 45 pounds to 90 pounds team lift. Over 90 used powered equipment
What is the requirements to be on the ERT team?
CPR/AED class and Workday training
What is the appropriate way to report suspicious behavior?
notify AP
What is the max volume ever in a day?
11548 packages
Which OM has the longest tenure with Target?