True or False | Vocabulary | GOERT | Random |
What is true
Introduced Species are beneficial to the environment
What are native species
Plants and animals that naturally inhabit an area
What is Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team
What does GOERT stand for
What are 72 young
How many young can a female rat produce per year
What is false
Scotch Broom are not a tough species to control
What are introduced species
Transported plants, animals or micro-organisms into regions where they did not exist previously
What is the Scotch Broom
Major threat to Garry Oak ecosystem?
What is the Eurasian Milfoil
Introduced invasive species that were identified in the Okanagan Lake
What is false
All introduced species are invasive species
What are invasive species
Organisms that can take over the habitat of native species or invade their bodies
What is the Eurasian milfoil and Norway rat
Two species that are at risk in BC
What is a decorative plant
What was the Scotch Broom introduced as in the late 1800’s
What is true
Garry Oak Trees are considered keystone species
What are introduced species
Also known as exotic species
What is restoring the ecosystem
What is GOERT trying to do, to make the ecosystem a better place
What is the Norway Rat
Escaped from fur trading ships and came to BC
What is false
Introduced species may be referred to as non-native, exotic or weird species
What are invasive species
This type of species may weaken other species immune systems
What is competition, predation, disease/parasites and habitat alteration
Five ways introduced species affect ecosystems
What is the change of structure and composition
How does the introduction of an invasive plant species alter a habitat for other plants and animals?