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An intensely burning explosive used to destroy jungle growth
Soviet Union
Most communist groups that tried to take control of their nations government got support from who?
He had his doubts about it. He believe it may not be worth fighting.
How did President Johnson feel in 1963 regarding the issues in South Vietnam?
Hawks and Doves
What 2 birds became symbols for the supporters and opponents of the war?
He use to work for the DOD and releases documents to the NY Times.
Who was Daniel Ellsberg and what did he do?
Nixon's plan for the Vietnamese to take more responsibility in the war
He participated a lot in foreign aid.
What did Kennedy do to make Communism look less appealing?
How many troops were in Vietnam in 1965?
Target the poor and religious beliefs
What two major reasons did students oppose the draft?
Students burned down a building, the National Guard came, students taunted them, guards used guns. 4 dead, 9 injured
What happen at Kent State University?
Emergency military rule
Martial Law
Fidel Castro
What rebel leader took control of Cuba?
Vietnamese ships attacked American ships in the Gulf of Tonkin
What event gave the president the control to "take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the US"?
How much percent of votes did McCarthy get in the primary election against Johnson?
Jan 27, 1973
When did all sides reach an agreement to end the war?
a culture with values that differ from those of established society
Nuclear lanching site
When an American spy plane flew over Cuba what did it discover?
Ground troops would radio their locations and helicopter gunships would blast the enemy.
What are search and destroy missions?
Johnson would not be running for presidency again
What MAJOR announcement happen on March 31, 1968?
Henry Kissinger
Who was trying to end the war through peace talks?
Postponement of, or excuse from, military service
He establish a blockage so the soviets could not bring any more supply to Cuba.
How did Kennedy handle the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Thick forests, muddy trails, swampy rice paddies, booby traps
Why was it so challenging for American troops to fight on the ground?
Who ended up winning the 1968 election?
Reform the draft. Involve the Vietnamese more. More bombing
What was Nixon's 3 step plan to end the war?