Verbs | Locations | Time | Phrases | Random! |
What is "A"?
Riuscirò ____ superare l'esame finale. – I will succeed in passing the final exam.
What is "AL"?
Devo andare _______ ristorante ad incontrare mia sorella. – I should go to the restaurant to meet my sister.
What is "AL" and "ALLE"?
Sono andato/a _____ letto _____ otto. – I went to bed at eight.
What is "IN"?
_______ parole povere, questo era l'uomo per il quale avevo sempre segretamente nutrito amore. – In simple terms, this was the man that I always nourished a secret love for.
What is "DI"?
Siamo amici/amiche _______ vecchia data. - We are old friends.
What is "DEL"?
Mi fido ______ tuo giudizio nella scelta del ristorante. – I trust in your judgment in the choice of the restaurant.
What is "IN"?
Durante la mia vacanza in Italia, l'anno scorso, ho alloggiato _____ un discreto albergo a Torino. – During my vacation in Italy, last year, I stayed in a cute hotel in Turin.
What is "NELLO"?
Mamma mia! Non sapevo che saremmo andate in Italia ____ stesso periodo! – My goodness! I didn’t know we would be in Italy at the same time!
What is "DI"?
Non ne posso più _____ mangiare pollo. – I can’t stand anymore to eat chicken.
What is "DEL"?
La mia amica italiana mi dice: "Dammi _____ tu!” – My Italian friend tells me: “Give me the “tu” form!”
What is "DI"?
Poi ho deciso ______ lasciare il lavoro. – Then I decided to quit work.
What is "ALLE"?
Siamo andati _______ Hawaii molte volte. – We went to Hawaii many times.
What is "TRA"?
____ pochi giorni andrò nel Maine in aereo. – In a few days I will go to Maine by plane.
What is "A"?
Sono rimasto/a _____ bocca aperta quando ho visto la casa di mia figlia tutta pulita. – I remained with an open mouth when I saw my daughter’s house totally clean.
What is "PER" and "DI"?
_____ te faccio _____ tutto. – For you I do everything.
What is "A"?
Sta a te decidere, ma se continuerai _____ uscire ogni sera, ti ritroverai al verde! - It's up to you to decide, but if you continue to go out each night, you'll be broke.
What is "ALLA"?
Abito vicino ______ tintoria. – We live near the dry cleaner’s.
What is "NEL"?
______ 2001, A Dicembre, io e la mia famiglia siamo andati a Pisa. – In 2001, in December, me and my family went to Pisa.
What is "AL" and "DEL"?
Io _____ posto tuo, mi prenderei ______ tempo. - If I was in your place, I would take some time.
What is "DI"?
Salem è più fredda _____ Las Vegas! – Salem is colder than Las Vegas!
What is "A"?
Ogni sera andavamo _____ piedi al bar o al ristorante. – Each night we went to the bar or to the restaurant by foot.
What is "SUGLI"?
Vedo uno scoiattolo _______ alberi. – I see a squirrel on the trees.
What is "ALLE" and "DI"?
Siamo arrivati in hotel ______ due ______ pomeriggio. – We arrived at the hotel at two in the afternoon.
What is "AL"?
Sono andato/a ad un appuntamento _____ buio, ma era troppo noioso. – I went to a blind date, but it was too boring.
What is "SULL"?
L'anno scorso, io e mio marito abbiamo avuto una discussion ______’educazione dei nostri figli. – Last year, my husband and I had a discussion on the education of our children.