Pregnancy Part 1 Pregnancy Part 2 PEDS part 1: skin, cardiac, respiratory, GI PEDS part 2: musculoskeletal, neuro, endocrine
What are common discomforts of pregnancy?
Need to know nursing interventions to relieve them
heartburn, nasal stuffiness, constipation, fatigue, lower back ache, urinary frequency, transient dependent edema
What is GH; chronic HTN; preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome
(give signs and symptoms of each with medications)
chronic HTN: AC 20 weeks; GH p 20 weeks
Preeclamsia: +BP, proteinuria, ketones, facial edema
Eclampsia: +BP, proteinuria, ketones, facial edema
PLUS seizures
HELLP syndrome: Hemolysis of the RBC, elevated liver enzymes low platelets
Tx: Mag sulfate
What are acyanotic defects
cyanotic defects?
defects that restrict blood flow?
why are they acyanotic? signs and symptoms child presents with?
signs and symptoms
signs and symptoms
What are signs and symptoms of IICP in infants and children
A. high pitched cry, vomiting, irritability, bulging fontanels, poor feeds
B. headache, blurred vision, vomiting, anorexia
What is presumptive, probable and positive signs of pregnancy
A. nausea, weight gain, quickening, fatigue
B. +pregnancy test, chadwicks, Hegar
C. Ultrasound visualization of fetus, mov't felt by MD
What is prolapsed cord?
Emergency treatment for it?
When, after the water breaks, if the baby's head is not engaged into the pelvis, the cord can slip by and variable decels are seen on the monitor
what is rheumatic fever
what is Kawasaki disease (treatment)
A. The disease typically develops two to four weeks after strep throat. Signs and symptoms include fever, multiple painful joints, involuntary muscle movements, and a characteristic but uncommon non itchy rash known as erythema marginatum. The heart is in
what is juvenile diabetes (type 1)
what are insulin pumps
sick day rules
results from the autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.[2] The subsequent lack of insulin leads to increased blood and urine glucose. The classical symptoms are polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thir
What are the results of a nonstress test and CST
(what does each test examine?)
A. nonreactive = NOT GOOD
B. negative = good; positive = not so good
What are pharmacological pain relief during labor?
local (pudendal); regional (spinal vs epidural)
significance of timing of the meds for mom and baby
What is cystic fibrosis
It affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat and digestive juices, a defective gene causes the secretions to become thick and sticky. Instead of acting as a lubricant, the secretions plug up tubes, ducts and passageways, especially in the lungs and panc
What is compartment syndrome?
A. What are the principles of cast care?
B. What are the principles of brace care?
occurs when excessive pressure builds up inside an enclosed space in the body.Usually results from bleeding or swelling after an injury. The dangerously high pressure impedes the flow of blood to and from the affected tissues. It can be an emergency, req
What are the stages of labor?
Stage: 1 Latent, active, transition
Stage 2: from 10cm to birth of baby
Stage 3: from birth of baby to birth of placenta
Stage 4: immediate recovery
What are stages of prenatal development
how long does each last, what is the 'baby' referred to in each phase? which phase is most susceptible to teratogens? Why?
Preembryonic, embryonic, fetal
What is intusseption?
Diagnostics: stools characteristics?
a medical condition in which a part of the intestine invaginates (folds into) into another section of intestine, similar to the way the parts of a collapsible telescope slide into one another.[1] This can often result in an obstruction.
What are the (4) Ps of labor?
discuss them all
Powers, Passageway, Passengers, Psyche
What are the hormones of pregnancy?
function of each
Estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH, prolactin, hcg, hpl
corpus luteum vs. placenta
A. What is a port wine stain
B. what are retractions
A. A birthmark, that is usually seen on the face or head. Present throughout life. usually flat and pink in appearance. As the child matures, the color may deepen to a dark red or purplish color.[
B. a sucking in of the skin in between or around the bones

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