Sci Fi | 5th Grade Science | Osmosis | Tech History | Food |
What is 9?
The total number of Star Wars movies
What is Kinetic Energy?
The type of energy stored in a moving object
What is a stem cell?
Mo is this type of cell
What is WhatsApp?
One of the largest acquisitions of all time, Facebook acquired this company in 2014 for 19 billion dollars.
What is saffron?
Costing $1,500 per pound, this is the most expensive spice in the world.
What is Alien?
"In space, no one can hear you scream" is the tagline for this classic sci-fi film
What is Jupiter?
The planet after Mars, away from the Sun
What is John Hopkins?
Ryan Haynes and Shiv Gaglani started building Osmosis as medical students at this University.
What is the computer mouse?
In the 1960s, this ground-breaking invention was created by Douglas Engelbart, while exploring the interactions between humans and computers.
What is Portugal?
Sweet egg tarts originated from this country.
What is Mars?
In "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", many humans leave Earth for which planet?
What is a sheep?
This animal was the first species to ever be cloned.
Who is Ozzy?
The name of Osmosis' old mascot, before Mo
Who is Ronald Wayne?
The third founding member of Apple, apart from Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
What is Nanaimo bar?
This layered, bar dessert requires no baking and is named after a city in British Columbia.
Who is Mal?
In the 2015 American space Western Film Serenity, this character says the last line in the movie, saying, "What was that?"
What is the Stratosphere?
The layer of the atmosphere that contains the most ozone.
What is 2 million?
We have this many subscribers (rounded to nearest million) on Youtube.
What is the ENIAC?
The first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer, made in 1945.
What is Venezuela?
Arepas belong to this Latin American country
What are dolphins?
According to the narrator of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this is the second most intelligent species on Earth, best known for saying "So long, and thanks for all the fish!"
What is an Igneous Rock?
The type of rock formed when magma cools
What is 2015?
The year Osmosis was 1st founded
Who is Ada Lovelace?
Widely considered to be the first computer programmer, known for their work on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine.
What is Mochi?
This sweet Japanese rice cake is made up of short-grain japonica glutinous rice and is commonly enjoyed during the Japanese New Year