The British Empire | America | Hodge Podge History | Which country doesn't fit? | Art & Science |
Who is Queen Victoria (and bonus for Prince Albert)?
They ruled England during the "Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations."
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
This 16th US President was president during the Civil War.
What is the Crimean War?
Britain and France fought against Russia to control an area in the Turkish Empire in this war,
What is Paraguay?
England, Paraguay, Monaco
Who is Michelangelo?
He painted the Sistine Chapel.
What is India?
The Sepoy Revolt took place here against the British empire. They were afraid England would try to convert them to Christianity.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
This law freed the slaves.
What is Italy?
This European Country didn't fully become one nation until 1867 after MANY revolts and revolutions.
What is Mexico?
Turkey, Mexico, Slovenia
Who is Leonardo DaVinci?
He was known to be a scientist AND an artist.
Who is Dr. Livingstone? (I presume...)
He explored and chronicled his experiences in Africa to help map out the country for Great Britain.
What is Utah?
This is the state where the "Golden Spike" was placed joining the two rail roads.
What is the Samurai?
These warriors were aghast when they leader of their country demanded them to lay down their swords.
What is Ethiopia?
Italy, Ukraine, Ethiopia
What is a hypothesis?
A well-thought out guess that you want to prove or disprove.
What is the Suez Canal?
The British gained control of this very important water way when Egypt couldn't pay its debts.
What is the Railroad Schedules needed to be exact and basing time off the sun changed from town to town?
This is why the United States developed time zones.
What is the Ottoman Empire?
Russia referred to this as "The Sick Man of Europe."
What is Japan?
Japan, Switzerland, Luxembourg
What is an Atom?
The smallest unit of life.
What is Afghanistan?
The Great Game occurred between Britain and Russia when they tried to gain control of this middle Eastern country.
Who is Matthew Perry?
This US Commander negotiated with Japan several times over a decade to force trade agreements on the isolated nation.
Who is Ned Kelly?
He was a famous Bushranger from Australia.
What is Canada?
Albania, Macedonia, Canada
Who is Sandro Botticelli?
He was the first painter we studied. Focused on Religious and Greek subject matter and he was Italian.