Chapter 1 & 2: God's Plan & God is Faithful | Chapter 3: The Ten Commandments | Chapter 4 & 6: In God's Image & Making Good Choices | The Beatitudes And The Great Commandment and | Chapter 10 & 11: Called to Love & |
What is being loyal to God?
What is the summary of laws that God gave Moses on Mount Sinai that tell what is necessary in order to love God and others.
The Ten Commandments
What is the deliberate thought, word, deed, or not doing something that contradicts God's law?
What is loving your neighbor as yourself?
The Golden Rule
What is a person who the church declares has led a holy life and is in heaven? (Or who is anyone in heaven?)
What is another name for the Bible, the word of God written in human words?
Who led the Israelites to freedom and received the Ten Commandments?
What is the God-given ability to choose between good and evil?
Free Will
What is loving God with all of your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind?
The Great Commandment
What God's Call to love and serve him and others? (Or what are holy orders, marriage, a single life, or religious?)
What is the choice of the first people (Adam and Eve) to disobey God?
Original Sin
Where were the Israelites slaves?
What is the gift from God that helps you know the difference between right and wrong helps you choose what is right?
What are the eight teachings of Jesus that show the way to true happiness and tell the way to live in God's kingdom now and always?
What is a saint given a specific designation? (Or give a couple of examples.)
Patron Saint
What is a sacred promise or agreement between God and humans?
What is "you shall not steal?"
The Seventh Commandment
Who is the man who helped the beaten Jewish traveler in Jesus' parable?
The Good Samaritan
What is the virtue of love? (Or what is following the Great Commandment and Golden Rule?)
What is the name for all of the baptized people in the church who share Christ's mission but are not priests or consecrated sisters or brothers?
What is God's loving care for all things, God's will and plan for creation?
What is keeping holy the Sabbath, the Lord's day?
The Third Commandment
What is the spiritual part of a human that lives forever?
What are the actions that meet the physical needs of others? (For example: clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, etc)
Corporal Works of Mercy
What is the title for Mary that recognizes that God preserved her from sin from the first moment of her life?
Immaculate Conception