characteristics | symbolism | Character Development |
which character in 1984 do the following adjectives describe - revolutionist, non conformist and outsider
What do Parsons and his family represent?
They represent the ideal party unit.
Who became more important as the novel continued?
which character in 1984 do the following adjectives describe - unintelligent , apathetic, and uninterested
What does Big Brother represent in the eyes of the people ?
He represents the reassurance of protection.
Who became less important as the novel continued?
which character in 1984 do the following adjectives describe - deceitful , underhanded, merciless ,and cruel
What does Julia represent ?
She represents elements in humanity that Winston does not such as cunning , survival and sexuality.
How did Obrien's actions change toward Winston from the beginning of the novel to the end?
In the beginning of the Novel O'Brien bated Winston. His goal was convincing Winston that he hated Big Brother. At the end of the novel he tortured Winston mentally and physically in the hope of making him love Big Brother.
which character in 1984 do the following adjectives describe - ignorant, blind follower, and oblivious
What is O'Brien's character symbolic of ?
His character symbolizes Stalin like power.
How did Winston change Physically through the course of the book?
At the beginning of the book Winston was pretty healthy but could not do a certain exercise. Toward the end of the book during Winston's time in the Ministry of Love he was broken down. Post Ministry of Love he had never looked better.
which character in 1984 do the following adjectives describe - Independently rebellious , hypocrite, and intelligent , cunning and manipulative
what does the Prole women Winston sees outside the window symbolize?
Hope and freedom for the future that one day the Proles will rise up and rebel.
How did Winston change Mentally through the course of the book?
In the beginning of the novel he hated big brother and questioned things. At the end of the novel He abandoned his hope of rebellion and betrayed Julia. His feelings of hatred and discontentment were replaced with feelings of Love for Big Brother.