Fads/Trends/Games | Prices of common items in the 50s | Music and movies of the 50s | Literature and TV | misc. |
Bubblegum Cigars, PEZ dipenser, Frisbee, Hula Hoop, etc...
What is one toy that came out in the 1950s?
What was the price of a stamp?
"Some Like it Hot," "The King and I," etc....
What is one movie we mentioned from the 50s?
endorsed TV shows
what did big companies do in order to get their products advertised?
Carl Perkins
Who sang Blue Suede Shoes?
Hokey Pokey, Chicken Dance, Swing dance, the Hand Jive, or the Stroll
what was one dance that was popular in the 50s?
what was the price of a gallon of milk?
3-D movies or Drive-in theaters
what was one attempt by the Hollywood industry to get people to watch movies again?
The Martian Chronicles
What did Ray Bradbury write when sci-fi became more popular?
a hipsters way of addressing another guy
Dad, or Daddy-O was a term used to refer to who or what?
an informal dance. came along in the 50s when people took off their shoes and just danced around in their socks.
What is a Sock Hop?
what was the price of a new car?
Elvis Presley
Name of the singer who sang Love Me Tender?
what year did The Today Show begin?
1950s clothing can be described as what?
a young, pretty girl
What is the meaning of the slang term "chick?"
what was the price if you were attending Harvard for 2 years?
Elvis Presley, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Hank Williams, etc....
Name four singers of the 50s.
"The Golden Age of Television"
What is the 1950s known as? (referring to TV)
what was the price of eggs per dozen?
Home, house, apartment or bed
What is the meaning of the slang term "pad?"
what was the final price of a movie ticket for you and 3 other friends?
Great Balls of Fire or Whole Lot of Shakin' Going On
name one song by Jerry Lee Lewis we have mentioned.
what years did I Love Lucy run?
Dior, Chanel, and Givenchy
what were the three french brands that became popular in the United States?