Founders | Documents and Plans | Geography | Quotes and Statements | Diversity |
Who is John Winthrop?
This man was the founder of the Massachusetts Bay colony
What is the Mayflower Compact
This document was a statement of self-government made by the Pilgrims
What is South Carolina?
This colony grew rice as a cash crop
Who is John Winthrop?
This man called the colony a "city set upon a hill"
What are the English?
This was the most common nationality in the American colonies
What is Maryland?
Cecilius Calvert founded this American colony
Who is James Oglethorpe?
He wanted no slavery or liquor in his colony
What is Georgia?
The king of England used this colony as a buffer between English and Spanish settlements
Who is William Penn?
This man referred to his colony as a "Holy Experiment"
What is Delaware?
Swedish people settled in this American colony
Who is Roger Williams?
This man believed the native Americans had a right to the land and should be paid for it
What is the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?
This was the foundational document of the Constitution State
What is Delaware?
Originally settled by Swedes, this colony was later controlled by Pennsylvania
What are Quakers?
This religious term was used for those who believed God directed them through an inner light?
What is Charles Towne?
The Scots-Irish entered the American colonies through this port
Who is William Bradford?
This man called for a Thanksgiving celebration at the end of the first year at Plymouth Colony
Who are the Huguenots?
Their plan was to leave France to find freedom to live out their Protestant beliefs
What is South Carolina?
Originally a proprietary colony, it grew because of its great harbor
Who is John Smith?
He led the settlement by "neglecting any [lodging] for himself."
What is Sweden?
The practice of building log cabins came to America from this country
Who is Thomas Hooker?
This man was the founder of Connecticut
What is the Act of Toleration?
This document was a proclamation of freedom of religion in Maryland
What is Rhode Island?
This colony was settled by a man wanting to leave Puritan-led Massachusetts
What is the Act of Toleration?
This document stated that "no person ... professing to believe in Jesus Christ, shall from henceforth be any way troubled, molested or discountenanced in respect to his or her religion ..."
What is New Amsterdam?
This was the Dutch name for New York City