Lessons 1 & 2 | Lessons 3 & 4 | Lessons 5 & 6 | Lessons 7 & 8 | Lessons 9 & 10 |
What is rich or luxurious
Define opulent
What is fertile
Define fecund
What is vague/ uncertain
Define nebulous
What is pertaining to cows
Define bovine
What is a sign/ omen
Define harbinger
What is savage or beast-like
Define bestial
What is common/ ordinary
Define pedestrian
What is a fashion-conscious man
Define fop
What is to search out/ seek
Define ferret
What is to pollute/ ruin
Define defile
What is tasteless or boring
Define bland
What is to dirty
Define besmirch
What is to avoid or shun
Define eschew
What is to be wise
Define sagacious
What is a plan/ scheme
Define machination
What is a correction
Define emendation
What is semi/ partially
Define quasi-
What is burdensome or heavy
Define onerous
What is domineering
Define imperious
What is to come forth
Define emanate
What is a rejection of laws
Define nihilism
What is criticism or abuse
Define obloquy
What is diligent or hardworking
Define sedulous
What is a disciplinarian
Define martinet
What is burden or responsibility
Define onus